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AN: Rosalie was turned in 1833 by Carlisle instead of following the books 1933. Warning, some talk of rape in this chapter. Some steaminess. I'm not the best at writing but I will be doing some learning this weekend and hopefully will progress in further chapters. A question to run by you guys, how would you feel about them having a child and if yes, how could I make that happen?

And someone said people can have gold eyes ,that's so frikken cool omw, I didn't even know that.

Bella woke up to the sounds of soft talking and Rosalie rubbing her ankle, Bella's feet on her lap.

"Hey Bells, you feeling okay now?" Charlie asked standing above Bella by the couch she was lying on.

"Uh yeah dad, what happened?" Bella asked still dazed.

"You fainted, kid. Good thing, Rose over here was there to catch you. She's offered you go stay the weekend by her. Her dad has even offered to keep an eye on you while there, and this weekend the station has asked if I could stay late. I'd hate to leave you here alone. You okay with that kid?"

Bella blushed thinking about spending the entire weekend with her Rosalie, but then realized she'd have to meet Rosalie's parents and then panicked.

Her Rosa...wait something was nagging at the back of Bella's mind but she was still quite dazzed.

" Yeah that sounds great, thanks dad." Bella flushed looking at Rosalie, who was smiling at her gently.

"Rosalie, can you come up and help me pack?"

Bella asked, averting her eyes from looking at the blonde.

She had vague memories of what transpired before she fainted but she honestly thought she might have hit her head or dreamt it all.

They were upstairs and Rosalie closed the door gently behind them.

"I know you're panicking Bella, but please let me explain, sweetheart." Rosalie walked towards me like a person scared of startling a cornered animal.

"I'm listening." Bella said softly, trying her best be calm.

"Sweetheart, Jacob should not of told you. He had absolutely no right." Rosalie said as she knelt in front of Bella who decided to sit down, truth be told her legs felt shaky.

" is this possible,that you're're a vampire." Bella asked.

Bella had her suspicions that Rose was different. The unusual cold skin, the golden eyes and unbelievable strength. But she never assumed anything so inhuman as a vampire.

"My father, Carlisle, turned me in 1833. I was 23 years of age. Carlisle saved me, I was left for dead.

I was raped.

You see, back then I never admitted to myself that I liked woman. I hid that part of me and accepted the courting proposal from the most prestigious bachelor in town, Royce King the second." Rosalie gave Bella a bitter smile,

"And one night, I was walking home from an evening dinner with friends and I saw Royce outside the local bar, drunk with all his chums. He dragged me over and lifted my shirt, I suppose for bragging rights.

He let each of his friends have a go with me. "

Bella heard someone sobbing and realized the sobbing was coming from her but Rosalie wasn't done,

"I was nearly dead having lost so much blood. I had 7 broken ribs, a fractioned skull and a broken leg. I would of died if Carlisle, my father, hadn't turned me. And I'm grateful every single day. I spent nearly 2 centuries looking and waiting for you, Bella Swan." Rosalie grabbed Bella's face, tears in her eyes that never fell.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Rose." Bella said, leaning forward and placing a kiss on Rosalie's forehead.

"We are vampires, Bella. But not the normal vampires you hear about, we don't drink from humans. We don't have aversions to garlic,holy water or crosses, although garlic is quite a strong smell." Rosalie wrinkled her nose.

"Can I ask something, you said when we first met that I would be getting instincts when around you, does that ...does that have anything to do with you being a, Uh,vampire." Bella asked unsurely.

"Yes little one. You're my mate. When a vampire meets their mate, they know instantly by the scent. Our mate is everything to us, and I mean that Bella. What you should know, Bella is that mostly every vampire has an ability or special power. Alice can see visions of the future and let me know your arrival, two months before you came." Rosalie said.

"Oh I understand, sorry this is a bit overwhelming. I'm trying to wrap my head around this." Bella sniffed and then realized she was crying.

Rosalie got up and placed Bella on her lap and wrapped Bella in her arms, her chest vibrating with a purr.

"Wait, what's going on.." Bella slurred, feeling as if high.

"It's my dominant pheromones,my love. Every mating couple has a dominant and submissive. It's not as bad as it sounds, the dominants job is to provide and protect and the submissive is to help balance the dominant, keep them grounded. A dominant can be of any gender, as goes for the submissive. This does not mean I own you, Bella. Or that I'm your boss. We will be equals, but my very nature demands submissiveness. I'm trying to not give in but it's tough. Your instincts might be guiding you to get reassurance and protection from me and that's normal." Rosalie soothed.

"I like the dominant aspect of you." Bella mumbled against Rosalies neck, breathing in her scent to calm her nerves.

"I'm glad to hear that,love." Rosalie purred.

"Don't repress your urges...Rose, I want you to be yourself around me. In under a week, you've made me the happiest I've ever been, I grew up always having to be the one making decisions and being the adult ,and to be honest it's a relief to be with someone that makes them for me. We can discuss things as a couple but I will always have you to rely on. I know that with every fiber of my being." Bella flushed, but every word was true.

Rosalie turned Bella's head so her lips could find hers, Rosalie moaned at the taste of her mate, she tasted exquisite.

Bella placed her arms Rosalie's neck and turned her body to straddle Rosalie, never once breaking their lips and tongues contact.

Rosalie placed her hands on Bella's hips under her T-shirt and pulled her closer.

Bella moaned and ground her hips forward, not realizing her body was aching for the friction.

Bella pulled back, embarrassed by her actions, "I'm so sorry, Rose. I don't know why I did that."

"Shh, relax sweetheart. It's normal for your body to react that way. But we need to take this slow, my love. I have no idea if my control will be strong enough and I might hurt you and the thought of that makes me want be sick." Rosalie said.

Bella placed her hands on Rosalie's face, "You would never hurt me, of that I'm sure."

"I'm very happy to hear that. I will always be there to protect you and be there for you, Bella. But let's start packing before your dad comes in to find you straddling my lap. I'm not sure he'd let you come to my place this weekend after seeing that." Rosalie smirked.

I blushed.

Oh shit, I'd be meeting a family of vampires!

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