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Bella woke from a glorious sleep.

And then the previous nights activities entered her mind and she flushed a deeper red than she ever had in her entire life.

She felt cold arms around her waist and a face in her neck.

"Hello, my love." Rosalie mumbled against her skin.

"Hey Rose." Bella said softly, turning around and looking at Rosalie.

Rosalie leant forward and captured Bella's lips in a gentle kiss.

And with a loud bang of the door, Alice was standing by the edge of the bed with a smile on her face and a bag in hand.

Rosalie growled at her, not liking the intrusion.

Even though Rosalie rationally knew her sister would never hurt her mate or look at her like that, the beast didn't like it.

"Dress up time!" Alice chirped ignoring Rosalie's grumpy face.

"Alice, we'll meet you outside in a minute. Bella needs to get dressed." Rosalie said with a frown.

Bella blushed when Alice waggled her brows at her mischiviously, knowing fully well what they got up to last night.

Rosalie huffed and threw a shoe at Alice's head to get out,but Alice went vampire speed to miss it,and shot out the door.

Not before shoutinggg over her shoulder, "Try keep your hands to yourself,Rosalie. I want to play dress up with Bella!"

Rosalie huffed and nudged my jaw,

"You best cover up ,my love." Rosalie stated pouting.

Bella got dressed, shyly glancing back every now and then,noticing Rose was staring at her and not even trying to conceal it.

"Hi love, Esme bought you a light breakfast to have before you get tortured for hours by Alice." Rosalie set the tray In the bed as I walked in the room from brushing my teeth.

I ate the slice of toast with mashed avo on it and a cup of coffee.

Rosalie grabbed my hand and guided me to Alice's room.

Bella noticed Jasper was on the bed,lounging. Seeming to be reading a midwest novel.

"Hi Bella. How are you?" He drawled in a southern accent, Bella noticed.

"I'm good and you Jasper?" Bella asked.

"Cant complain. I'm sorry in advance for my wifes actions." He smirked.

Bella was a little bit shocked when she heard Jasper and Alice were married but it made sense. They had to go under the lie of being siblings, just some were married to each other.

"Bella!" Alice squeeled ,grabbing my hand and pulling me into a giant closet.

Rosalie hesitantly let me go,

"Ill be downstairs, love. Call my name if you need me okay?"

"Okay Rose." Bella smiled at Rosalie over her shoulder.

Rosalie POV

Rosalie was not pouting. She wasn't.

She decided to come downstairs and help Esme in the kitchen to prepare Bella's lunch and dinner in advance. They worked at human pace, Esme humming Clair De Lune under her breath.

Rosalie smiled when she heard her mate sigh and moan when Alice forced her into as many outfits as she could before Bella put her foot down.

It was a few hours later and Rosalie was sitting on the couch watching reruns,when she heard Alice and Bella make their way downstairs.

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