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Chapter 3

Rosalie POV

There she was. Ethereal beauty wouldn't even explain her. Exquisite. Embodiment of everything Rosalie wanted and needed.

She was curled up on her bed in a small little ball, Rosalie could still smell the led from the pencil on her dainty fingers. The scent of her skin. The rhythm of her heart beating in her chest. She could make our very detail of her mate from her spot on the branch. A growl vibrate within her chest. Mine

Rosalie knew of Bella's arrival long before Bella's father even knew.

Alice, Rosalie's sister,has visions. Predictions of the future.

She warned Rosalie that she would finally, after centuries of being alone,would be meeting her mate. Her one.

She'd made preparations. She had ordered the best bed money could buy for her room, vampires never slept but Rosalie wanted her mate to be comfortable when she eventually slept by her. She bought clothes, sanitary items and anything a teenage girl could want. Her mate would want for nothing. She would always provide for her Bella.

The sun was beginning to rise and Rosalie knew her time admiring her little one was coming to an end,she was about to leave but not before going in her mates room and walking over to her slumbering form, bending down and pressing a gentle kiss on her warm,rosy cheek. She drew in her mates scent and a purr rumbled within her.

And the next second she was gone.

She was pushing her control to the limits.

Bella POV

Bella woke to the smell of vanilla,sandalwood and a light sweetness she couldn't put her finger on. She breathed in deeply and blushed profusely when her lower,fore regions clenched.

What was wrong with her?



She was running late, she hadn't even showered yet or had breakfast.

Getting dressed ,skipping a shower. She brushed her teeth and ran downstairs and grabbed a granola bar. Dad was waiting by the door.

"Bells,are you sure you want to walk? It's quite a far walk. I don't mind driving you,kid." Dad said as straightening his uniform.

"I assure you dad, I walked to school everyday back in Arizona. I enjoy the walk." I said smiling at dad while walking through the door. I hugged him and was on my way.

I was about 5 minutes into the walk when I heard a car pull up next to me. Stranger danger kicking in full drive, I stepped back. I must of looked like a deer caught in headlights, no pun intended.

"Hi, you must be Bella Swan,I'm Rosalie Hale. I'm a student at Forks High as well. Want a ride?"

The most beautiful creature I had ever seen got out the drivers seat and walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for me. To say I was dumbfounded would be a huge understatement. She was a foot taller than me,blonde with strangely familiar golden eyes. A body to die for.

Without realizing it Bella had stepped up into Rosalie's space,not that she seemed to mind,in fact she seeming to be smirking.

"Uh,yeah,uh. I mean yes please. Thank you."

Why was I getting in a car with a complete stranger. I had no idea but I felt I would never be harmed by her or around her. My face burned with humiliation at my thoughts. I was a lovesick puppy.

She put her hand on my back and guided me in the car and strapped me in. I gasped quietly when I saw how close she was to me. I could smell her ...it was such a familiar smell.

She was in the driver seat before I could blink and I thought maybe I dreamt that whole moment. She turned to me and smiled.

"We'll be there in about 7 minutes ,love."

I blushed at the endearment. I clenched my thighs together. I swear I saw her eyes go black but it must have been the lighting.

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel as she focused dead ahead on the road.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" She blurted out of no where.

I turned to her,the shock must have shown on my face but she was expecting an answer. I blushed yet again and again my belly clenched. What was going on with me.

She turned to me fully and I knew for a fact that her yes were black.

Without thinking, I put my hand on her thigh hoping it would help whatever dilemma that was going on with her.

"Bella Swan,if you don't move your hand, we both will be late to school and I doubt you want that...do you Ms Swan?

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