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AN: I hope this chapter is as for Rose and Bells have a child, I was also contemplating how the women couple in Rise of the Drackens by StarLight Massacre did it, maybe I could do something similar?

Rosalie's POV

My mate was so brave.

No other human would have taken my news as well as she did, no other human would still want to be near me.

She made such a good mate.

Rosalie was currently driving herself and Bella back to her home, for Bella to spend the weekend.

Rosalie, a 183 year old vampire, was scared.

Bella was about to learn about her fully, and her entire family. She was petrified Bella would decide that this life wasn't for her and it killed Rosalie to even entertain a thought of a life without Bella.

"You okay Rose?" Bella asked in concern.

Rosalie hadn't realised she'd been starting straight ahead with a frown and a tight grip on the steering wheel.

"Of course, love. Just deep in thought." Rosalie smiled at Bella to ease her worries.

Bella's POV

Bella gasped at the sight of Rosalie's home.

It was an architectural dream.

Bella was no way into architecture or anything of the sort, but she knew beauty when she saw it.

The house was almost all glass. Tall forest surrounded the house, which made sense considering Rosalie's home was in the middle of nowhere. The tiny of bit of sun Forks got shone directly on the house, which bounced off the glass. It was stunning.

Rosalie opened Bella's door and walked her up the stone stairs leading to the front door.

Before Rose could even open the door to let us in, the most beautiful woman in the world, besides her Rose, opened the door with such a warm, beaming smile.

"And you must be my Rosalie's Bella.I'm her mother, Esme. I've been dying to meet you, sweetheart. " Esme said as she enveloped me in a hug.

Bella would never admit it out loud, but she was close to tears.

She loved her own mother, of that she knew, but Esme felt like her mother too. This didn't make any sense at all.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Bella flushed looking at her shoes.

"Please make yourself at home, this is, after all, your home now too." Esme beamed at Bella.

"Thanks mom." Rosalie smiled at her mother over Bella's head.

"Of course love, now why don't you show Bella your room and let her put her bags down. Bella, I hope you enjoy Italian food." Esme said as turned to go toward the kitchen, not before giving Bella a gentle, motherly smile ever her shoulder.

Rosalie's room was simple but beautiful. She saw one side of the room, was a giant shelf filled with car memorabilia. Magazines, little match box cars and other car trinkets.

"Uh, yeah...I love anything to do with cars. Fixing them, building them, buying them..." Rosalie looked embarrassed.

"That's really cool, Rose." Bella smiled, going over to the shelf to look at it all.

Rosalie went behind Bella and put her arms around her, her hands on Bella's tummy.

Bella flushed, and pressed her back further into Rosalie, she was inlove with the feeling of being Rosalie's arms.

Bella leaned back, exposing her neck to Rosalie.

Rosalie ran her nose from Bella's ear to her shoulder.

Rosalie gently moved her hands under Bella's shirt to rub her tummy while pressing kisses to her neck.

Bella felt like she was in sensory overload, she mewled loudly and melted in Rosalie's arms, legs gone lame.

Rosalie lifted Bella up and carried her to the bed, placing her gently down and whispering sweet nothings in her ear while leaning over her.

Bella took initiative and pulled Rosalie's head down so her lips could meet hers.

Rosalie's tongue forced Bella into submission then she explored every nook and cranny of Bella's mouth. Bella moaned into the kiss and spread her legs further so Rosalie could easily slide between them. Finally, after Rosalie thoroughly claimed Bella's mouth, she moved on to her neck again, this time , slyly leaving her venom on Bella's neck, to let every vampire know that this was hers. Her mate.

Bella's inexperience and innocence left Rosalie's beast feeling more smug than it probably should have. Every hesitant caress made by her mate made Rosalie feel happy that she was Bella's first. Her first everything.

Rosalie captured Bella's lips again and pulled her closer.

Rosalie took Bella's tongue between her lips and then sucked on it, bringing out a surprised gasp then a heated moan from Bella who had wrapped her legs around Rosalie to bring her closer to her heated core. She wanted more. Needed it.

Rosalie's hands softly trailed down Bella's body until she found what she was looking for. She cupped Bella's ass in her hand and gently massaged it, enjoying the delicious sounds coming from her little mates mouth.

Rosalie let out a soothing growl and harshly bit down on Bella's bottom lip, to assert dominance.

Her beast demanded it.

Bella moaned in pain then mewled when Rosalie took the red lip and gently sucked on it, soothing the redness.

While worshipping Bella's mouth, Rosalie moved her hands from Bella's delectable ass to her stomach under her shirt.

And then Charlie phoned.

Bella mewled when Rosalie broke the kiss and moved to stand up to get Bella's phone for her to answer.

"Hay dad, what's up?" Bella asked breathlessly.

"Hey kid, you run a marathon?" Her dad joked.

"Huh, yeah, very funny dad. Uhm no, I was just helping Rosalie with..something.." Bella flushed.

"Oh okay, no problem. Was just checking, but have fun kid. Tell the family I send my regards. Love you, Bells."

"Love you too dad." Bella said.

Bella looked at Rosalie who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and walked over to her.

With courage she never knew she had, Bella laid on top of Rosalie, as she knew she could handle her weight. Rosalie immediately put her arms around Bella.

"We have to get up soon, love. Esme just told me that your dinner is ready." Rosalie said, a bit begrudgingly.

Rosalie decided she would then proceed to pick Bella up and carry her to the dinner table where her food was waiting, but no Esme in sight.

Once Bella had finished, she unsurely called out a thank you knowing Esme would hear her, Bella looked to Rose for reassurance that she had heard and Rose smiled and nodded.

"You want to go bath, love.?" Rosalie asked when walking back upstairs to Rosalie's room.

Bella flushed in embarrassment , thinking Rose meant together.

Rosalie caught on to what Bella was thinking,

"We can, love. Bath together that is." Rosalie smirked.

"Okay." Bella mumbled, averting her eyes.

Bella wanted this.

Needed it.

Needed Rosalie.

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