The New

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Chapter 2

The 40 minute drive was at a end, we'd arrived at the airport.

Mom got me checked in and luggage sorted and ten minutes later after a lot of sobbing on moms part and awkward,tearful back patting on my part, I was on the plane and on my way to my new life.

The plane ride was bearable, I had my drawing pad with me and headphones so I could easily block out the mundane conversations around me.

We arrived at the Seattle Airport where dad was going to fetch me, I walked among the families reuniting and tried to spot my dad which was easy,he was his cop uniform.

"Bells, you're so grown up now,look at you!" dad stated with a huge grin.

Beetroot red, "Dad..."

"Alright,alright, lets get home before you combust."

Dad helped me with my backpack,he was a bit skeptical at the small amount of luggage I had but I truthfully wasn't a huge materialistic person. A few shirts,pants and hoodies and I was good to go.

"Bells, I hope you don't mind but I changed the linen on your bed. I hope you like purple."

"Purple is great, thanks dad." I smiled at him.

The rest of journey was quiet but not uncomfortable. Dad and I both enjoyed our own space, one of the things I loved about him.

We came up to the 'Entering Forks' sign and I grimaced.

The population was awfully small, I knew the news of me coming back to Forks would have made its rounds. Especially since dad was the chief down at the station. No doubt bragging to all the boys he would no longer be living off pizzas and frozen meals.

Dad shook me out my thoughts and I'd realized we'd come up to my childhood home.

Nostalgia hit me in the gut.

Little me running around the yard with Jacob down from the res,making mud pies and irritating his older sisters. Dad teaching me how to bat knowing I'd never get the hang of it, no fault of his of-course,I'm incredibly uncoordinated and clumsy.

"It's like nothing has changed." I smiled at dad to show I loved that it was the same.

"Yeah well, I'm not one for decorating." Dad avoided eye contact and scratched the back of his neck.

Dad would never say it but losing my mom still hit a nerve ,even now.

We walked in and when I said nothing changed about the exterior of the house, apparently it meant the inside too. It's like mom and I never left at all.

I felt a lump at the back of my throat. I really wish mom hadn't put dad through this. He didn't deserve it. He deserved happiness.

"Dad I'm just going to set my stuff up in my room and then I'll come down and make you a proper nutritious meal,Mr. No more frozen meals and pizzas." I pointed at dad with a mock frown.

He smiled as he grabbed a beer and made his was to his recliner, no doubt to watch some game or another, "Sure thing, Bells. Whatever you say."

I ran upstairs to my old childhood room and opened the door. It was as I remembered, new linen and instead of a bare table in the corner, there was a computer and printer, which would come in handy for school.

I packed my clothes away and placed my drawing equipment on the table. As packing my little clothes away, I came to the terrible conclusion that I would have to get warmer clothes. Arizona attire just wouldn't cut it here in the rainy town of Forks.

I went down to start supper,I decided on cottage pie with a side of mixed vegetables. I would have to restock everything, dad's cupboards were bare with just enough food to last us for two days.

I went to sit with dad while the food was in the oven. I didn't even try to understand the sport that was happening on the tv.

"Reminds me Bells. Mom gave you the school paperwork I faxed to her right? I know it's not much of a heads up but you start tomorrow." Dad looked at me sheepishly.

"Got it all ready. It's not an issue at all Dad. The sooner I get started the better." I smiled at dad.

Little did dad know, that mom literally repelled technology. I was the one that got all the paperwork in order.

I went to dish up the supper and called dad in to the table.

We ate and had some small talk. I cleaned up and bid dad a goodnight and went up to shower and get ready for bed.

After a hot shower, I made sure I was all set up for Forks High tomorrow.
I climbed under the duvet and closed my eyes and just before I succumbed to sleep I thought I caught a glimpse of golden eyes staring right at me from the tree branch outside my window.

But I was dreaming....


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