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Chapter 8

AN: And this is where it all goes down, let me know what you think!!

Well, alot could go wrong for Bella.

The day after Bella and Rosalie's night together, Bella arrived at school and that's where the rest of the week went downhill.

After Rosalie was kind enough to drop me off at my first class, Biology, that's when I saw her.

Jessica Stanley, who low and behold was in my class as well, where Bella had to sit next to her yet again.

"Oh look who walked in, the school slut. No surprise. Tell me, how much do you charge a night?"

Bella wasn't going to rise to her bait. She wasn't.

"Rosalie is my girlfriend, Jessica. I've known her for months, there's nothing wrong with my girlfriend and I being intimate, not that it's any of your concern."

Bella blushed while saying intimate but was not going to cry like a baby. Not this time. Yes, she may of fibbed but Rosalie suggested she should.

"Your girlfriend? Why on earth would she bother with you? You're dull. You have boring hair, hardly any curves. You're nothing." Jessica sneered.

And there it was, everything Bella was worrying about since starting this ...whatever this was between her and Rose.

All her insecurities thrown in her face.

She turned her face so Jessica couldn't see the tears forming in her eyes.

*Friday Evening*

And Friday found Bella frantically running around the Swan household like a headless chicken, she was trying her best to get the dinner ready and the place in order.

Her dad was in the lounge watching the pre game highlights, Billy and Jake still hadn't arrived as the game started at 6.30 which gave Bella 10 minutes to have everything under control. And she did.


The bell rung and Bella heard her dad get up to answer it,

"Hey guys. Just in time, the game was about to start and Bells is finishing up with dinner."

Bella heard the them making their way to the kitchen, she nervously wiped her hands on her jeans.

Talk about social anxiety.

"Bells, wow! You've grown so much!" Jake said, walking towards her and giving her a huge bear hug. He smelt of the woods and mint, as if he just brushed his teeth.

"Jake! So have you! I mean you're like, huge!" Bella stated.

And he was. He was huge, he looked like a rugby player. He made Bella feel like a kid next to him.

"I mean yeah, that's what the ladies always say." Jake said with a smirk and laughing eyes.

Bella blushed when she realized what she said could of been misconstrued.

Billy rolled forward in his wheelchair and punched a Jake in the arm.

"That's no way to talk around a young lady, Jake" Billy said frowning but you could see he found the joke quite humorous. "How have you been, Bella? Forks treating you well?"

And I was just about to answer when Jake went still and his head lifted up as if he was scheming the air.

"Bells, did you invite anyone else for dinner as well?" Jake asked tensely.

"We invited Bella's new friend, Rosalie Hale. She been kind enough to take Bella under her wing. Even gives her rides to school everyday." Charlie said, oblivious to the tension in the air.

Why were Jake and even his father angry for Rosalie over. Did something happen between them.

Speak of the devil, the doorbell rang.

I rushed off to avoid the awkward, tense atmosphere to open the door.

I opened the door and saw Rosalie shaking with fury, her eyes black.

She pulled me outside and wrapped me in her arms, rubbing her face against my hair and then eventually kissing my neck, I could of sworn I felt her tongue lick my neck at times.

"Rose, not that I disapprove of this sort of hello but what's wrong? Jake and his dad aren't happy that you're here and it looks like you're not too fond of them too. What's going on?"

She took a deep breath, "The Blacks and my family have...history together. But this night is about me making a good impression with your dad. Let's go inside, okay. I promise I will tell you. Just not right now." Rosalie said while grabbing my hand and going inside.

As soon as we walked in she seemed to have held her breath, she let go of my hand just as my dad walked in.

"You must be Rosalie Hale. I want to thank you for looking after my Bells here." my dad said while shaking Rosalie's hand.

"It's only a pleasure, sir." Rosalie stated with a grin my direction.

Jake and a Billy walked in, both stiff and uncomfortable.

"This my friend Billy and his son Jake."

Rosalie had a tight lipped smile in the direction, followed my inclination of her head in greeting. They offered a similar greeting back as well.

Dinner went by awkwardly but again my dad was oblivious to the awkward atmosphere.

It was 10 minutes before the game was about to finish when Rose said she had to be heading back home.

I got up to let her out once she had said bye to my father and thanking him for the dinner.

We had just about reached her when Jake came out the house,

"Have you told her yet, leech?"

Bella turned around so fast she got head-rush, Rosalie helped her stay steady with an arm around her waist.

"Black, do not start this. The treaty still holds." Rosalie growled toward Jake.

"Okay, what is going on between you two?" Bella snapped, finally at wits end.

"Ah, so you haven't told her what you are yet. Going to keep her in the dark as your little human pet, is it? I won't let you!" Jake growled back.

"I mean it mutt, shut it." Rosalie was shaking from fury.

"Let me enlighten her, Bella your little girlfriend here is a vampire. A blood sucking parasite. "

I did the only thing I could do when told such a thing.

I laughed.

In between giggles I got out, "Jake, don't be ridiculous."

"Bella, you're a smart girl, don't be stupid. Her skin is cold, her eyes are gold. What other human has gold eyes. She's impossibly cold.

Remember those legends my dad used to tell us about the cold ones when we were younger. That's them. Her and her entire family." He sneered.

"You've gone and done it, you've broken the treaty, you fucking mutt." Rosalie growled and with a speed that wasn't possible for a human, had Jake by the throat.

He retaliated and threw her off him.

He started shaking and before I knew it Rosalie had me back on our porch, away from him.

I'd never seen anyone shake as much as he was and before I could ponder on that thought he turned into a dog.

A wolf.

Jacob turned into a wolf.

Jacob turned into a wolf.

He ran off into the woods before I realized what was happening, I turned to Rose for clarification for, excuse my French, what the fuck is going on.

I fainted.

The last thing I saw was Rosalie catching me at such a fast pace and cradling me in her arms.

Then it went all black.

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