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It took three days to get to Suna. The moment they got to Suna, they did exactly what they planned. While Gaara was in the village, Sakura was hiding in their agreed meeting spot. While waiting, she searched for Sasori.


   As soon as he could, Gaara left his family to search for Yugito. He didn't know where she was, but he he knew how to cover a lot of ground. Make eyes. It's not as gross as it sounds. He uses his sand to make a crap ton of eyes so that he can look at the entire village.

   "I know who you are." Gaara definitely could've phrased that better. He sounded like a huge creep. Good thing he looked younger than he was.

   "Who let you in here?" Yugito asked. They were in a bar, and who lets a twelve year old in a bar?

   "Not killing people for a few years makes you lose all the respect." Gaara muttered.

   "What was that?"

   "Nothing. I need you to follow me. We have things that we need to discuss. This isn't as shady as it sounds."

   "What is it?" Yugito wasn't sure what going on. This kid is old enough to be a ninja, so she needed to be cautious.

   "Let's go outside the village. We'll have more privacy. The last thing I want is a fight. Just trust me. I'm a jinchūriki, the same as you."

   Ok, that kid really did know everything about who she was. Her cover was blown, so she'd leave the village with Gaara then run from him. She had realized that he was the Kazekage's son. The one that had a reputation of killing people. Thankfully, that hadn't happened for a few years, but she didn't think she'd be able to survive a fight with him.

"How did you know who I am?" Yugito asked.

   "That is not what is important at the moment. What you need to know is someone is after you. A group is targeting tailed beasts, so they will come after every jinchūriki."

   "Who is after us?"

   "A group called the Akatsuki. They wear long black cloaks with red clouds."

   "Does it look like that?" Yugito pointed to something in the distance. They had just made it past the village, and Sasori was waiting for them. It was as if he knew where they were going to be.

A cloud of sand could be seen after a blur made its way to Sasori. That told Gaara Sakura had already spotted Sasori. Good. He wanted to talk to Yugito more.

"Your village has no need to worry about being attacked by my village. However, if my village finds out about being spied on, I can't guarantee we won't attack. The last thing I want is another war, so I won't tell my father about this."

   "Gaara!" Sakura yelled as several poison coated senbons were heading for Gaara and Yugito. He used his sand to stop them and bury them in the ground.

"Why not just kill me? Wouldn't that be the easiest and safest course of action?" Yugito asked.

"There was a time in my life when I wouldn't have given this a second thought. I would have killed you where I first saw you, but that's not who I am now. I believe there is a future where no one will have to die." Yugito raised her eyebrows and glanced at Sakura and Sasori. Sakura landed a punch and Yugito could hear the crack from where she stood. It didn't look like Sasori would make it out alive. "Where no jinchūrikis have to die."

"The Hidden Sand truly has no intentions of attacking the Hidden Cloud?" Yugito looked at Gaara with judging eyes. She needed to decide what to do about her mission.

"None." Gaara answered. She seemed to believe him because she let her guard down a bit.

"I can help you with your current fight."

   "Thank you, but I believe we have this handled." Gaara and Yugito looked at the fight to see Sakura standing over a puppet that was completely destroyed. Sasori was definitely a goner. Another reason she sincerely hoped Gaara was telling the truth. Yugito did not want Gaara and Sakura as enemies.


   "You're early." Ay had this glare that said everything his words didn't. Somewhere along the lines of 'you better have a damn good reason why you're not on the mission I assigned'.

   "My cover was blown. I don't know how, but the Kazekage's youngest son discovered me." Yugito explained.

   "You were discovered?! That could mean war." Ay slammed his hand on his desk causing it to break.

   "He told me a war was the last thing he wanted, so he won't tell his father about it."

   "And you believed him?"

   I apologize ahead of time for my awful rapping skills.

   "Hey, hey, hey, don't be so hard on Yugito.
It's not her fault.
Gaara's got some crazy detection skills, ya know." Killer Bee waltzed in without warning. Thank goodness neither of them were listening to music in 4/4 time.

   "Either way, he's a sand ninja. Something bad is about to happen." Ay was already thinking of ways to deal with this threat.

"Don't think that way.
Gaara's a cool Kage.
We can trust him fool, ya fool." Killer Bee rapped.

   "How do you know Gaara?" Ay wasn't going to question the Kage part. Sometimes Bee says weird things to make his raps rhyme.

"Tailed beasts are telepathic.
We're both jinchūriki
So we can communicate with each other, whee"

"Is everything Gaara said true? Is there an organization trying to collect tailed beasts?" Ay asked.



So sorry about this chapter. I have awful rapping skills. I hope you have a good Easter!

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