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   Of course it had to be the one time Iruka wasn't with her that Anko decided to wake up. She was nowhere near completely healed, but she was getting there.

   Anko woke up alone. She was in panic mode. One moment she's defending Naruto from freaky white things that want to kill him for some reason, the next she's in a room all by herself. Not to mention Naruto was acting strange. He was oddly serious. Yeah, sure, it was a serious situation, but it's Naruto. He was rarely serious.

   "Naruto?! Where's Naruto?!" Anko jumped out of bed, but miscalculated how strong her legs were. She fell, but got back up. She needed to find Naruto and nothing can stop a concerned mother from finding her child. Especially if she's completely nuts. Luckily, she didn't make it far before Iruka came in.

   "Anko, you're awake." Iruka stood there shocked yet happy.

"Iruka, where's Naruto?"

   "It's okay. He's with Master Jiraiya. They left to find Lady Tsunade." Iruka held her in a hug partly to comfort her and partly because she looked ready to collapse any second.

   "He should be in the village. There's people after him. He's not safe."

"The village isn't as safe as we thought. If the people who attacked you guys really are after Naruto, he won't be safe anywhere, but he's with Jiraiya. One of the Legendary Sanin. They're looking for Lady Tsunade, another members of the Legendary Sanin. I can't think of anyone better to protect Naruto than two of the most powerful people alive."

   "Yeah." While she agreed with Iruka, she was also a bit worried about Naruto hanging around Jiraiya. Don't get the wrong idea, she loved his books and greatly respected him as ninja, but she didn't want his tendencies of being a perv rubbing off on her son. "Besides, Naruto's gotten a lot stronger. He can at least put up a fight."

   "One more thing you should probably know before Naruto gets back..." Iruka suddenly looked nervous.

   "What is it?" Anko knew whatever was going to come out of his mouth next, would not be good.

"When Naruto came to the hospital, they ran some tests to find the problem. They found out he had inhaled a lot of poison. He's only alive because the nine tailed fox is sealed inside him. It gave him some resistance to it, but there was a lot of damage done and he lost his memories."

   Anko had a feeling that was the reason behind the gas. She didn't think the man who threw the gas meant to kill Naruto. He may have been wearing a mask, but she saw his eye. They say the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and his eye didn't look like it was planning on murdering anyone.

   "All of them?"

   "He didn't even know his own name, but I told him who you were and about your relationship."

   "I'm not even sure what our relationship was." Anko muttered before getting back in to bed. She was relieved to know Naruto was okay, (Maybe memory loss doesn't count as okay, but he wasn't dead and was relatively safe.) but now she was questioning everything she knew about Naruto. She still loves him. He's her son, and nothing could change that. She just doesn't know who her son really is.


"I'll kill that damn brat!"

"Hidan, calm down. You'll eventually get your revenge, but now is not the time." Obito said.

"Now's a perfect time! They're not as powerful now! I can blow that fucking Nara's damn head off, but first I'll make him suffer. I'll get my revenge on that asshole!" Hidan said.

   "You know, getting rid of the Nara now, would be excellent. With Hidan remembering the past, he may be able to defeat him. Let him go." Black Zetsu whispered in Obito's ear.

   "Very well. Kakuzu, keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't over do it." Obito ordered.

   "His head better be worth a lot of money." Kakuzu grumbled as he watched Hidan walk away. "The leaf village is the other way."

   "We need to get some shit before we meet him. I need him to suffer like a little bitch before I murder his ass." Hidan explained.

   "Don't take your time. It's best to end things quickly." Kakuzu warned.

   "I won't fall for those dumb ass tricks of his again." Hidan pouted.


   Anko was stuck in her hospital room. She wanted to get back to doing missions, but in her current state, she couldn't even get to the door. That was a problem. She wasn't making any money. She couldn't pay for anything. Fortunately, she didn't have to buy anymore food, and all her bills are going to be lower, but she didn't know how long this could go on.

Iruka decided to take on more jobs in order to help her out and promised to take care of Naruto while she was still recovering, but Anko was still a bit worried. She hated taking his money and having him take care of everything for her, but what choice did she have? If her pride was the price to pay in order to keep her home for Naruto, then so be it.

   "Hello, Anko. I'm told you were badly injured protecting Naruto." Tsunade (I didn't write them finding Tsunade because I'm lazy. Sue me.) entered the room.

   "Lady Tsunade." Anko looked at her in utter shock. She knew Naruto was going to get Tsunade, but she didn't think they'd come back so soon.

   "Shocked? So am I. I swore to never come back to this damned village, yet here I am. I don't even know why. Jiraiya and Naruto talked me into coming, and for some reason, I listened. I get the feeling this is where I need to be. I doubt I'd have been allowed to say no anyway. He probably would have forced me to come. I get the feeling that's just how he is." Tsunade said.

   "You're right. There's something special about Naruto. He has a way of making people listen to him. Where is Naruto? Did he make it back alright?" Anko asked.

   "He's fine. We ran into a Yamanaka girl on the way here. She said something about fixing him."


   Sorry this took so long to come out. I was so busy with school almost being over that I had no time to myself. Thankfully, it's summer break. That means I should be able to have a lot more time on my hands. Thanks for reading. Have a fantastic day!

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