1 Minute to the End of the World

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"There. It all worked out in the end." Aziraphale said rather cozily.
"Oh. It's definitely not over yet." Hope stated, Turning her eyes to the boy. "Both heaven and hell both want their war, limbo now has a bunch of souls running around and Satan...let's just say he won't be so please with um..." they snapped there fingers towards the boy.
"You anti-christ." Crowley whipped his head over to the boy. "What was your name again?"
"Adam Young."
"So...all your friends got together and saved the world. Well done. Won't make any difference."

"You!" The woman from a few days before came out of a building, a slightly confused man following after her. "You're the people from the car. You stole my book."
"Oh. Agnus Nutter." The reaper smiled, pulling the book from nothing and throwing it towards the witch, who looked very confused. "Sorry for the state of the book. It kind of got caught in an angelic fire thing. Anyway..." They grabbed both Aziraphales and Crowley's arms, staring to drag them towards the jeep. "I don't really want to be here when your bosses arrive so can we go..."
"What is going on here?" They sighed and let the angle and demon go.
"It's a really long story. Don't exactly have time right now..." They said, trying desperately to get a change to leave.
"We'll try me."

"Well..."Aziraphale stepped forward. "So...in the beginning, in the garden, there was...well, he was a wily old serpent, and I was technically on apple tree duty...Hope. You weren't even thought of yet. Fancy that." The angel opens his mouth to continue but was shushed by Crowley.

The humans started to talk to each other. Meanwhile, Hope was getting more anxious.
"Look. It's been fun but we really have to move if we..." A bolt lighting struck the ground leaving its its wake, a man. "...want to avoid them..." they trailed off. Not soon after and ground gave way and  in a blaze of fire, out rose Beelzebub.

Every backed away and made room for them.
"Lord Beelzebub." Crowley bowed. "It's an honour."
"That's not a nice word."
"Well all the other words I have for you are worse." The demon lord buzzed. "Wheres the boy?"
Everyone looked towards Adam and watched at the bosses of heaven and hell approached him.

Gabriel smiled and bent down to be a bit more intimidating while also trying to pass of the feeling of security...wasn't really working.
"Young man. Armageddon must restart. Right now." He left out a small laugh. "A temporary inconvenience cannot get in the way of the greater good."
"As to what the greater good is, that is yet to be decided but the battle must be decided now boy. That izzz..." The demon lord collected themselves for a second "...is your destiny. It is written. Now start the war."

Adam glanced between them. "You both want to end the world just to see whose gangs best?"
"Obviously. It's is the great plan." Gabriel stated, faithful as always. "It's the entire reason for the creation of the earth."
"I got this..." Beelzebub stepped closer to Adam. "When all this is over, your get the rule the world. Don't you want to rule the world?"

The boy just shook his head. "It's hard enough to think of things for Pepper, Wensley and Brian to do all the time so they don't get bored. I've got all the world I want."
"But you just can't refuse to be who you are." The Angel boss said, kind of shocked by Adams statement.

The ex-reaper coughed to get their attention. "Kind of hard to make that statement with us three standing here, isn't it Gabriel? Been doing it for years. In fact, I just officially left death. I'm no longer a reaper. Just an entity with no job. Feels kind of amazing, not gonna lie."

"But the great plan..."
"Um yeah..." Aziraphale walked behind the boy.
"Aziraphale...shut it."
"One thing I'm not clear on." The angel continued, not giving up. "What exactly is the great plan? I'm not the only one confused about that."
"The great plan!" Beelzebub snapped. "It's is written. There shall be a world, and it shall last for 6000 years and end in fire and flame."
"Yes but...is that the ineffable plan as well?"

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