c. 537 A.D

33 0 0

Kingdom of Wessex

"I think I'm a bit early." Hope muttered, looking at the sky. "The battle isn't due here for another hour." The reaper sighed, shoving her list of souls into her unicorns saddle bag. "Now what?"
Just as the reaper started to look for something to entertain herself with, she noticed movement in the foggy field just outside of the trees before her.
"Hello! I, sir Aziraphale of the table round wish to speak to the Black Knight."
As if on que, a man, dressed in black, shambled out of the fog and beckoned the silver knight closer.
"This ought to be good." The reaper looped her unicorns bridle to a tree branch before following though the trees, keeping hidden.

"You've sort the black knight foolish one..." Another familiar voice spoke and she watched as a black figure walked out from the fog  "...And you have found your death."
"Is that you under there Crawley."
"Crowley." The black knight grumbled back, flipping up the visor.
"What the hell are you playing at?" The angel hissed as the demon shook his head.
"It's alright lads. I know him." Crowley turned towards his small army before turning back to the other knight. "I'm here spreading ferment."
"Is that some kind of porridge?"
"What? No! I'm fermenting dissent and discord. King Arthur's been spreading to much peace and tranquility so I'm here... you know...fermenting."
"Well this is just great." Aziraphale complained. "All we need now is for Hope to pop out of those bushes and this will all be complete."

Seezing her moment, the reaper jumped out of the bush and ran towards them "I've been summoned."
"What are you doing here?"
"Battle in an hour. Your doing I presume." She looked at the demon.
"Oh yeah. That must be Gawain and his lot. Sad really. I don't really want to kill them."

"Okay. Okay. Wait. You mean to tell me all this time we've been canceling each other out?" Aziraphale cut off the conversation.
Crowley pondered for a second before nodding. "Seems like it. It would be easier if we both stayed home, except you Hope. Can't have ghosts walking about." The demon looked around, doing a bit thinking. "Let's just sent notes back to our respective head offices saying we'd done everything they'd asked for. Be much easier."

"But that would be lying." Aziraphale protested.
"Yes but the result would be the same."
"Oh my dear fellow...well...well they'd check. Micheals a bit of a stickler and you don't want to get Gabriel upset with you."
"Oh. Our lot have better things to do then check up on reports from us. Once they get the paper work they'd be happy enough."
Aziraphale considered it for a second before shaking his head. "No! Absolutely not! I'm shocked you would even suggest such a thing. We're not having this conversation. Not another word." And with that the angel stormed off, the clank of metal following him.

"Well that was fun. How about a game of chess while we wait for Gawain and his lot?" Hope suggested, turning to the demon.
He shrugged before turning around. "Couldn't hurt."

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