1862 A.D

30 0 0

St. James Park: London, England

"Crowley...what's the matter?" The reaper practically fell though the rift, her giant dress following behind her. "I came as soon as I could." She muttered, joining the Demon and Angel next to the pond.
"I was just thinking, what if it all goes wrong?"
"Wrong. How?" The angel asked, pulling bread out from his hat and feeding the ducks.
"Well, I'm a demon. You're an angel. Hopes a reaper. We aren't exactly meant to be interacting. And if any of our respective head offices find out..."
"We are screwed. I know" Hope finished, fiddling with her glove hem. "So, what do you want to do?"
"I want insurance." Crowley reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small crumpled piece of paper. "I wrote it down. The walls have ears. Well not the walls but the ducks do...do they? Must do. How else could they hear other ducks?"

"No. Absolutely not. I'm not giving you a suicidal pill Crowley."
"What? What did he ask for?" She snatched the piece of paper off of the angel and read it closely. "Holy water. Crowley...that stuff can kill you." She whispered in a hushed tone.
"I know. I know. It's just for insurance. Just in case this whole thing goes pear shaped."
"Absolutely out of the question." Aziraphale stomped his foot into the dirt in protest. "I'm not an idiot Crowley. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble I'd be in if they found out I've been fraternizing with your kinds. It's completely it of the question."
"Fraternizing!" The demon snapped.

The reaper looked at the Angel a bit hurt. "We know Zira but it's the same on our ends. If any of our head offices found out about this little friend group we have we will all be wiped from existence." She huffed. "Now, I'm not saying give Crowley literal holy water but..."
"I do not think there is any point in discussing this further." Aziraphale stated firmly.
"I have other people to fraternize with Angel." The demon spat.
"Oh of course you do!" The Angel snapped back.
"I'm just asking to be a bit more gentle with your words Zira." The reaper tried to speak up but the two other beings kept fighting.
"I don't need you."
"Well the feelings mutual." And with that the Angel stormed off.

"Wait. Zira!"
"Don't bother. He's not worth it..." but before Crowley could finish his sentence, the reaper let the crumpled piece of paper go and picked up her skirt, running after the Angel.
"Zira. Please listen to me. It's not fair to say you're the only one in danger here."
"I didn't say that!" Aziraphale snapped back, continuing to march forward.
"Yes actually. Yes you did." Hope stayed firm, stopping where she stood.

Aziraphale sighed and stopped. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just don't want Crowley to risk his life with that sort of stuff."
"Same. I don't like it as much as you do but we are all in danger here. Just try and see it from his perspective." She finished before opening a rift. "See you around Zira."

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