c. 3004 B.C

42 0 0


"Fancy meeting you two here."
"Oh...Hope. Lovely to see you again." Aziraphale gave her a warm smile.
"Long time no see." Crawley ruffled her dirty white, almost grey, hair, failing to distract the reaper from reading her list. "How's Limbo treating you?"
"Pretty good actually. Customs is pretty empty at the moment so it's not as crowded, which is great considering what's about to go down. Do you realise how busy we are going to be the next few weeks?"
"I can only imagine." The angel acknowledged turning his attention back to the ark.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Crawley asked. For some reason his voice seemed kind of smug, but then again, he always sounds smug.
"Nothing much. Some old geezer kicked the bucket and I decided to come see what event was going to ravage us next and I must say, God's insane. Drowning everybody? Really?"
"Yes, that is the plan." Aziraphale admitted, though saying it seemed to hurt him a bit.
"Wait...all of them?" The demon asked in surprise.
"Well...just the locals. I don't believe the All Mightys upset with the Chinese, or the Native Americans, or the Australians."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Hope mumbled, still reading her list.
"And Gods not actually going to wipe out all the locals. See," Aziraphale pointed to the figures around the large Ark. "Noah, His wife, His sons, their wives. Their all gonna be fine."
"And drowning everybody else?" Aziraphale pulled a face. The same face you would make if you ate a sour grape or a rather unpleasant vegetable. At the same time three kids ran past chasing a goat. "Not the kids. You can't kill kids." The angel continued to nod, having the same pursed look on his face.

"Well that's the sort of thing you'd expect my lot to do." Crawley scrunched his nose, looking at the line of animals making there way to the ark.
"Yes, well...when it's done the All Mighty will put up a new thing called a rain-bow as a promise not to drown anyone again."
"How kind." Hope mumbled, scribbling her list using a quill, still refusing to look up from her work.

"You can't judge the All Mighty. Her plans are highly..."
"Are you going to say ineffable." Crawley butted in.
"He was gonna say ineffable.'' The reaper nodded in agreement.
"I...possibly..." Aziraphale trailed off.

"That unicorns making a run for it." The reaper pointed out without looking up from her list.
"Oi! Shem! That's unicorns making a run for it!" Crawley yelled out. "Oh nevermind. You still got one of 'em."
"Oh, to bad. I liked unicorns." Hope mumbled a bit disappointed. "I might collect it's soul. Make it a pet."
"That's a bit mean." The demon said.
"Not really." The reaper shrugged just as the rain started falling and a clap of thunder echoed in the valley. "Great." Hope sighed and put way her list. "See you guys in a few weeks...if we ever finish processing all these souls." She turned way, waving, before walking behind the crowd and sliping though a tear in the fabric of reality, the gate way to Limbo.

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