c. 4004 B.C

60 1 0

Garden of Eden

"But dad, I don't understand." The little girl asked, looking up at her dad, his hollow eyes looking back.
"When you are ready you will find people and bring them to me."
"But won't they be happy on earth?"
"Their bodies won't last forever, their souls however will. It's your job to bring their souls to me so I can sort them."
"Sort them where?"
"Heaven or Hell of course."

The little girl nodded, seeming to understand her purpose. The two beings both continued to walk though the garden, occasionally looking over at the only two humans in existence. She knew her father was waiting for something to happen, she just didn't know what.
"Why can't they see us?"
"Because I'm only an idea. A construct. An event that could never happen. But very soon I will be become real and I will be visible to all. Everyone will know me."

They watched as the female human took a bite of the fruit in the centre of the garden and offered it to her partner.
"It's time." Her father announced, his being becoming cloudy and somehow darker then it already was. "I am Death. I'm the outcome of life and now everyone knows me."

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