One Hour and 43 Minutes to the End of the World

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"Come on. There must be a way across it. Burning roads. There has to be." Crowley muttered to himself, picking up the burnt book from Hopes lap and flicking though it.
"Weren't you the one who built this road?"
"Well...yes but I didn't intend it to set on fire." He shrugged, still skimming the book. "Why isn't there an index?"

"Um...Crowley?" The reaper mumbled, grabbing his attention. In he back seat sat Hastur, the demon that was previously trapped in Crowley's answering machine. Hastur reached forward and took the glasses of the of the surprised demons face before crushing them with his bare hands.
"You'll never escape London. Nothing can."
"Hastur. How was your time in voicemail?"
"You can make jokes all you like Crowley. There's nowhere to run."

"Hey. Um...frog dude. Arn't you suppose to be preparing for a war. It kind of starts in less then 2 hours." Hope turned their body to face the new demon.
"Arn't you supposed to be collecting souls?"
"The worlds about to end. Souls running around is the least of my worries." They scoffed, turning away from Hastur. "Besides, people have stopped dying."

"So...I take it you know where the anti-christ is than? Don't you? You'll never reach him. You're both done. After the war has been won, reapers will cease to exist and traitors to the cause will be executed."
"Sounds like a fun hypothetical. Did you want to test it?" Hope smirked, pressing play on the stereo, causing a violin tune to start playing.

Crowley smirked back and started to spead up.
"What are you doing?"
"You know the best thing about time? Every day is takes us further away from the 14th century. I really didn't like the 14th century. You would have loved it then."
"Oh yes..." The reaper continued. "No cars. Illness ran rampant. You would fit right in."

Hastur let out a scared whipper as the car hit a pot hole in the road. "Stop it. It's over. You're doomed. You hear me Crowley? You're both doomed. What ever happens doomed!"
"Oh shut up. You squeal like a pig and frankly, it's getting quite annoying." Hope snapped as they drive into the wall of flames.

"Stop this. You'll discorporate is all!" Both the demon and reaper started laughing and Hastur started to freak out even more. "It's not funny!"
"Come on! If you've got to go then go with style!" Crowley cheered, stepping harder on the accelerator.

Just as he said that, Hasturs coat caught on fire. "I hate you!" He screeched one last time as the flames complexly engulfed him. This was quickly followed by the sounds of the car creaking.

"Okay. Time to focus on keeping this car alive please." The reaper kept their eyes forward as Crowley started to encourage the car and keep it together with sheer will power. "Almost there!"

And just like that they burst from the fire cloud, passing a cop car as they went. Both Crowley and Hope gave them a wave as they passed before sharing a chuckle and continuing forwards.

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