Chapter 11 - Gally Not Girly Gossip

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I needed to get out

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I needed to get out. I needed to be in the open fields where I didn't feel so trapped. And further away from gladers that are so entitled that they think they can control someone because they were here one month before me. Even after all this time, I was stuck outside the boys club.

Gally ran up to me, playing an innocent act. "We just want to keep you safe."

"I'm tired of everyone trying to save me. I feel like everyone is making sacrifices except me." I continued to fight. "Don't you think I worry about you shanks as well?"

"You protected the slinthead greenie and now look at you. All battered and bruised, you are lucky it isn't worse. Ben was nearly double your size." I ignored him, continuing to walk at a fast pace hoping he would just leave me alone.

"I would have done the same thing for anyone, including you." I defended my choices, willing to do it again.

"Well, first of all, I can fight." Gally answered matter of factly, "Second, you know the most about the maze, making you our MVP. You are someone we can't afford to lose. I would pick your shuckass over a greenie with a death wish any day."

I spun to face him now, "Don't put more value on my life than others. That's not fair."

"Nothing is fair, Blue!" He exclaimed. "But it's just a fact. We survive based on who is the strongest."

"It's not that simple and you know it." I started marching away again.

"Take your feelings out of the question and it is that simple. We need to be focused on survival. Everything else can wait. You know the odds of us all getting out of here, I know you do. I've been the predictions and all that math klunk you do. You think that less than half of us are gonna make it out." He recited, using my negativity against me.

"It's an estimate, there are a lot of variables I don't know anything for sure." I corrected, only getting angrier.

"But you know that gladers in good health are the most likely to get out." He felt the need to repeat. "I need to make sure you are one of those people."

"And what about my people? There are some people I need to know will get out too. But it's a risk we have to take." I countered, trying to prove that in this life nothing was promised. All my predictions could be wrong, maybe we all die tomorrow or in twenty years.

He pursed his lips together. "You mean Newt."

I clenched my jaw, "Yes, Gally. But you too slinthead. You, Newt, Chuck, Frypan... the list goes on. You are my family. I know we aren't going to all make it out and that kills me. But I'm working my ass off every day to get as many of us out as possible."

He laughed darkly, treating me like a child. "You need to give up on this thing with him. He is your only weakness. I saw you the other night. I know you used to have something but it's over! Move on! He doesn't want you! Can't you see that?"

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