Chapter 58 - Don't Be a Twat about It

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Tommy had many dimwitted ideas in his life

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Tommy had many dimwitted ideas in his life. Immediately trying to go into the maze after being sent up in the box. Going in after Minho and Alby as the doors were closing. Using the vents as tunnels in WCKD's compound. Yet every single one seemed to have a positive outcome. I couldn't tell if it was luck, stupidity, or a death wish- perhaps a mix of all three. If he said run, we ran and he lead the way into the unknown.

Yet the unknown is where we flourished. We made it this far, why wouldn't it take us a little further? Into the unknown city, with new obstacles and likely mishaps. The only things we truly knew were our friends and our enemies. We'll save Minho and I'll take as many of the WCKD's bastards with me into the grave.

Frypan and I had packed all necessary essentials into our bag and thrown them into the truck. Now it was a matter of Tommy showing up, thinking that he was too smart for anyone to notice. Sometimes I think he forgot I was dating the most advanced person on the planet, I had to think ten steps ahead to keep up on the typical Tuesday.

He strolled in, his head hanging as soon as he saw me.

"Where do you think you're going then?" I flicked on the light, wondering if he was going to storm up some unbelievable lie.

He sighed, "Newt..."

"Don't be a twat about it." I walked over, taking his bag. "I'm already in. Come on."

"No. No, not this time." He shook his head, acting like he ran shit. I rolled my eyes as I turn my back on him, throwing his bag in the back seat. "Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" I scoffed, opening the door to reveal Frypan already inside the car.

"Skip the lecture. I'm coming." Frypan insisted.

Thomas stared at the two of us. He might have planned to do this alone, but that doesn't mean that he liked the idea. We were brothers and everyone needs their family.

"We started this together, might as well end it that way too," I said, coming whether he agreed or not.

"You kept Fi out of this?" His eyes locked on mine.

"Yes," I answered. I'm not going to give them the opportunity to take her away from me again. It was too close of a call in the berg. I anticipated his disapproving glare and tried to soften the blow. "She stays here, she stays safe."

All was silence for a moment, As I leaned on the car, I could feel Frypan's leg bouncing with nervousness.

"Good." Tommy surprised us. "It's the right thing to do."

It didn't feel right. My dying wish was to remain by her side until the illness takes over. Now I was leaving her hundreds of miles behind. She would wake up tomorrow hating me and abandoned by me all over again. If my time wasn't limited I wouldn't blink before making the decision to save Minho.

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