Chapter 23 - Griever Massacre, Part 1

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Everytime I looked in one direction a scream of a brother came from another

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Everytime I looked in one direction a scream of a brother came from another. The grievers tore through everything, never giving it a second thought. All they dreamed of was our death. They ripped through the woods where we had tried to hide out.

In the distance I heard a high pitched scream, one that could have only come from the throat of a female. A fire lit in my chest, right before I look off, running as fast as my legs would allow towards the noise. Mike, Minho and some others were right behind me, following me into the middle of the glade. I saw a crowd, specifically Thomas, face to face with a griever.

He didn't take his eyes off it, almost seeming to challenge the monster, only proving how this boy seemed to lack brain cells. I threw my spear as hard as I could, staring the rain down on the Griever.

"Run!" I hollered, giving everyone the order.

It screaked, cursing my ears the sound. With it distracted, Thomas took his chance, grabbing Alby next to him and running towards the Homestead where others had gathered based on the firelight inside.

We followed, throwing whatever weapons we could spare to slow the beast down. I painfully realized that the scream I heard earlier came from the new greenie, not Fiona. I hadn't seen her since she left for the weaponry, I'm sure of it. But since the weaponry was now a pile of ashes, doubts flooded my mind. Her silence scared me more than anything. At least if I heard her yelling I would know she was at least breathing. I hadn't seen Gally either, I knew it wouldn't leave her side. So they were either thriving together or dead together.

The door was slammed, locked and barricaded. All of us knew in our souls that the griever could break though our wooden temporary safety but we were too scared to even speak. The griever snarled, its voice carrying back and forth over the roof. It was taunting us, playing with its food before the final attack. I cursed my trauma twisted mind for wondering if Chuck had wet himself already as the Greiver as planning a million ways to murder. It assessed and created the plan to devour us more effectively. It dove started through the middle, taking out the center support beam so the whole homestead came crashing down on us.

Wood logs came down on our heads, knocking Mike out in the process. Dust flew everywhere making it hard to see on and already pitch black night. The remaining torches were the only source of light that reflected the stinging tail of the Griever that took the first boy straight out of the building. It's claws picked him up, taking his body helplessly in seconds.

The next attack was fast and quicker than even the first, taking Zach this time as it grabbed him by the leg and dragged him out, never to be seen again. I held my machete out in front of me, with both hands, preparing for whatever fight I could put up against these bastards. The next boy was taken from the other corner of the room, he was gone before I could even get to my feet.

I focused on the boys within a three for radius of me, knowing they would be the only ones I might be able to save and the only ones that might save me. Thomas's wild eyes darted in every direction as he shielded Chuck from whatever could come next.


The Griever must have liked the challenge because it's claws wrapped around Chuck next, talking his little body into the air as Thomas and I jumped to grab each of his arms. Minho went underneath him, pulling his body down in a bear hug.

Thomas's arm strained with the strength he exerted, "Don't let go!"

"No shit!" Chuck yelled in agony, the griever pulling even harder to fight us for the boy.

"Pull!" I yelled, putting all the energy into saving him.

Alby screamed, his suddenly burst of energy and raw strength pushing him to slam into the griever's arm that was attacked. He pounded on the metal over and over, as Chucks scream continued. All at once, Chuck's body was dropped to the ground, the force of our pulling making him fall on top of us.

"Chuck, are you okay?" Thomas immediately asked, the real question being if he was stung or not.

"I'm fine." He answered, loud enough for us all to hear.

The next attack was full of revenge, whether the monsters knew it or not. Alby's body was snatched, Thomas got his hands around his arms. I latched on next, but the paleness in Alby's face told us more than he could. He inhaled quickly, looking at me and then looking at Thomas. "Get them out."

"Alby, No!" I screamed, but he relaxed his grip, letting the griever take him.

"No!" Chuck screamed but the space that just contained our leader was now empty.

You could feel the stress in the air, it bounced off the walls and stuck to our sweating bodies. Even when the attacks ended and the outside world was quiet, I listened intently for anything I could head over the panting. Thomas of course was the first to run outside, our safety in numbers ideal took us with him.

The gathering room was on the southwest corner of camp, from here, you could see almost everything within the glades four walls. Flames destroyed nearly everything and lit up the rest. No stars could be seen as smoke and ash created a layer between us and the sky.

Gally was the first survivor I saw outside of the group. He pulled himself out of the box, where he took shelter. My stomach settled for a moment, but when he didn't turn around to help a specific brown haired girl out of the box I realized the nightmare wasn't over.

"Where is she?" I ran up to him.

He grew even angrier, knowing she was not with me either. "I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know! She left with you!" I pushed Gally, my body overflowing with rage now. I trusted him to keep her safe and now here he is, but she's not. He came right back at me with anger, Minho stepped between us but that couldn't help us now, "She locked us in the box and left to help the others. Probably to find you!"

"You had one bloody job, Gally!" I screamed.

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