Chapter 15 - Girl 2.0

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"Guys, get up!" Chuck woke up and yelled, making half of us jump in a near heart attack

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"Guys, get up!" Chuck woke up and yelled, making half of us jump in a near heart attack. He was the first to run to the maze doors as they opened.

The entryway was empty, confirming what we all thought. Those who skipped breakfast might be able to get another hour of sleep. I stomped out the fire and admittingly took a small amount of anger out on it.

Newt comforted Chuck, rubbing his shoulder "I told you, Chuck. They're not coming back. Let's go."

Even Chuck turned away now, right before my ears caught the slightest noise. I raised my head, praying that I wasn't just hearing things. I saw Minho's tanned face come around the corner first and that's all it took me to start running in a full sprint, screaming, "Crazy bastards, you did it!"

"Yeah!" Chuck was the next to yell, followed by the rest of the camp, cheering for the only kids to ever survive in the maze.

Alby was being dragged by both boys, still unconscious and the other two looked like they might take two more steps before they passed out.

Jeff and Clint came running over, to take Alby off the boys. "I got him, I got him."

The boys collapsed to the ground, I flung my arms around Thomas as all the boys patted him and Minho on the back. I put both of my hands on the side of his face, "Do you have a death wish kid? Stop being an idiot!"

I hugged Minho next, whispering in his ear, "I always figured you would be the one to do it."

Minho beamed, "I wanted to prove your stats wrong."

I laughed and squeezed him again before letting go. As Chuck asked probably the most important question on everyone's mind, "You saw a Griever?"

"Yeah, I saw one," Thomas answered.

Minho chuckled and shook his head, "He didn't just see it. He killed it."

That shock wave hit us even greater than the first. Needless to say, this is not the type of chaos we were expecting today.


We all shuffled in the gathering room. Naturally, the whole camp was painting Minho and Thomas as gods. I threw both Minho and Thomas in a water bottle, more in pity since I know this panicked meeting was called before they could get food, water, or a blink of sleep.

"Things are changing. There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now our Greenie, here, has taken it upon himself... to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here." Gally started, stone cold and unforgiving.

"Yeah... but he saved Alby's life." Fry made the fair point that we all wanted to defend Thomas. I kept my mouth shut, sitting back and observing this time around.

Gally narrowed his awkward eyebrows, "Did he? For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us? "

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt led the meeting, keeping his personal opinions out of it. I wanted to convince myself that Newt being control wasn't making me jittery.

"He has to be punished," Gally stated, crossing his arms as many Gladers objected.

"Come on."

"He killed a Griever!"

Newt turned to his trusted friend, advisor, and fellow keeper, "Minho. You were there with him. What do you think?"

"I think... in all the time we've been here no one has ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran... this dumb shank stayed behind to help Alby." Minho claimed with raw honesty, pointing at Thomas. "Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner."

"A runner? What?" Came from the crowd.

"Minho, let's not jump the gun, here." I broke through all the hollers and chatter, "Yes, what happened was that against all odds, they just accomplished something that we thought was impossible." I started, getting a nod from Thomas's supporters, "We also need to acknowledge that statistically, it was impossible. Luck or skill or error, call it what you want, but either way what Thomas did was reckless. I don't want you shanks running into the maze thinking that you will be rewarded but I'm not idiotic enough to pass up his talents. He's a loosey trackhoe and an even worse mapmaker. A runner would make sense."

Thomas smirked at me, a subtle thank you even though I did rip him up a bit.

Gally rolled his eyes, specifically at me, something I know I would get a lecture from him later. Typically Gally and I always agreed, but this we didn't align with. "If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze it is that you do not-"

The sudden and distinct alarm coming up caused concerned and confused eyes to fly around the room. The fighting stopped instantly and I was the first out the door, Gally was right behind me as we ran outside to see what this could possibly be. The box came up once a month, at the same time with the same contents. I knew I was asleep for a few days but I was certain a whole three weeks had not gone by without me noticing.

This was wrong, something was wrong. Everything in the maze could be calculated and predicted and in the last week, it has gone against everything we knew. I forgot how to speak when I saw it. The box was completely empty except for a single passenger. We flipped the gates open and Newt jumped in right next to the lifeless body.

"Newt, what do you see?" One of the boys yelled down.

"It's a girl." He answered, a sharp confusion riddled in his accent.

"No way." One of the boys exclaimed, sounding like someone had just kicked the air out of his chest. "I think she's dead."

"Nearly three, years, just me. And then they send up a dead one." I turned around, looking at the sky, cursing whoever put us here, "What kinda sick joke is this, you shucking shucks!?"

Gally grabbed my shoulder bringing me back to focus, and pointing down at the box. "What's in her hand?"

Newt took the paper that was folded in her hand, giving Gally an almost terrified look as he did, concerning not only me but everyone watching. His eyes graced me for a second before reading the words written for everyone to hear, "She's the last one... ever."

"What the hell does that mean?" A voice that I think was Kyle's came from the back.

Sudden speculation came from all sides, trying to discover an answer to the millions of questions that came with this girl. The box was empty. No supplies or resources. Just this girl, who might even be dead. I jumped into the box, going to check her pulse like Clint taught me for runner's health inspections. As soon as I touched her neck the girl shot up, scaring everyone.

"Thomas..." Was the only thing that came out of her mouth, creating a ball of sinking nerves that come to life in my stomach.

Not a single eye was on the girl anymore, only our newest greenie. Somehow his name was burned into her memory before she even knew her own.

"Do you still think I'm overreacting?" Gally questioned the crowd, and I knew that the days of predictability were long behind us. After almost three years, time was running out.


The Queen's Gambit really delivered tbs. Benny Watts is a different breed. I don't know that I did to deserve that amount of sexy but I am eternally grateful.

xoxo B

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