Chapter 35 - Trust Us

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"Where are we going!?" I yelled, running a few steps behind the brunette who seemed to be the leader

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"Where are we going!?" I yelled, running a few steps behind the brunette who seemed to be the leader.

"Uh..." He stuttered, seeing an intersection ahead.

"You're telling me you are trying to break out but you don't even know that way out?" I exclaimed. And he had no defense for that.

"We didn't exactly have time to make a plan." He fought back. "We just have to find a way out."

"Dude! Left!" I yelled, giving orders before I even knew their names. Of course, I was right, at the end of the hall was a door, one that led straight to wear the open hanger that they brought supplies in through.

We ran all the way down. He swiped a blue key card only to have the red blinking life deny us access. He swore under his breath.

"How did you know which way to go?" A tall Asian boy questioned me, punching the glass to see if that would get us through the steel door.

"They've been parading me around this place for three days. And I guess I'm good with maps." I kicked the door.

"Thomas!" Janson's voice boomed.

Thomas handed the door key off, making Newt swipe it multiple times with the same result.

"Open this door, Janson!"

"You really don't want me to," Janson told him.

"Open the damn door!" Thomas shook the gun in hand, preparing to electrocute Janson into next year.

"Listen to me! Thomas! I'm trying to save their lives." Janson's voice echoed around us in the hall. "The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. Fiona, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you. The best for them."

"You knew my name all along?" I stopped kicking the door to question him.

"Don't be irrational." He said cautiously.

"Don't take another step." Came from my mouth before I could stop it.

Thomas's finger lingered on the trigger, "Yeah, let me guess. WCKD is good?"

"I'm really confused," I mumbled to the boys, trying to figure out why everyone seemed to know my name except for me. And if WCKD was really the enemy here. I looked around, I saw the genuine fear in the boy's faces. That girl, named Teresa I think almost seemed on the verge of tears. I didn't know if they were sides but I knew I didn't want to be a prisoner here.

"You're not getting through that door, Thomas," Janson said like a promise, making me gulp.

"Shit!" I swore, seeing the boys around me start to lose hope.

The door suddenly blinks green, lifting up. Two other boys smiled on the other side. The first boy's little voice spoke out between pants, "Hey, guys."

I had no idea who this kid was but he instantly became my favorite person here.

"Thomas!" The blonde shouted as we crossed to the other side. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Stop him!" Janson yelled, speaking into a device on his wrist. "Shut the main vault door!"

"Run!" I screamed, starting to see the door start to go back down. The leader, Thomas, emptied his gun magazine onto the soldiers, only one of them falling because they had the protection of shields. Once the gun clicked but nothing came out, he threw it. A frail attempt mainly out of hatred.

Everyone started cheering for him, begging him to run faster. "Move! Move!

The door was coming down, fast. Thomas pumped his arms, using everything in his to get to the door. Just when I thought he would surely get caught. He dropped to a slide, coming through the small sliver just before it closed.

Janson reached the door a second later. Pounding on the glass like we just had. Thomas spitefully flipped him off, successfully bringing a smile to my face.

Janson shook his head, "You little shit."

"Come on, go! Go!" I felt someone pull on my shoulder, jolting me back into focus. I turned my back on Janson following all the boys.

"We'll lose them in the storm!" Thomas yelled, encouraging us to run out into the darkness. My feet hit the sand before I could even tell what was in front of me. I stumbled, running up the hill. I put all my force into my legs, every bit of energy going into making sure we did not get caught as hundreds of soldiers fanned out at the base.

"Stay low. Stay low!" Someone yelled, prompting me to drop to my stomach, feeling another body next to me.

"We can't stay here," I whispered to them, hoping everyone could hear me.

"She's right." The other female voice spoke up, running down a hill to wear the moonlight reflected off the roof of a glass building.

"Teresa, hang on. Stay together!" Thomas stressed, running after her which meant the rest of us followed. Teresa opened a latch stepping right into the building. The drop wasn't far, I could see her head when she hit the ground. "Teresa, wait!"

The boys looked at each other, wondering if we should follow her. I shrugged my shoulders, I favored my odds in here than outside with an army looking for me.

"Get inside!" I told them, seeing that this place was completely abandoned. The only people that were here were us.

The blonde boy was the next to drop down. He hit harder than I did and for the first time I noticed a slight limp in his leg.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, noticing his discomfort.

He looked at me, studying me for a second, "Yeah, I'm fine."

The boys came down quicker now, all in a row. Many had their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breath. Thomas darted both ways, the Asian boy ready to run with him. "We gotta go."

The boy I had just talked to stopped him, gripping his shirt so he didn't run away again. "No. Thomas, stop! Tell me what's going on."

"So no one knows what's going on? It's not just me?" I questioned them, trying to make sense of this world I had been thrown back and forth in.

"It's WCKD. It's WCKD. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count."

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?"

"No, but they weren't alive either." He tried to explain, he was still frantic, "They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being drained. There's something inside of us that WCKD wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible."

"Hold up. I got a few questions." I refused to be ordered around any longer.

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