Chapter Three

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Morgan drove back to the hospital and parked. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke up. "Be careful. I'll only be gone a minute."

I watched as he left, leaving me alone in his SUV. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat. I was tired of having this monster in my head. Morgan was right, I really needed to talk to someone.

I relaxed, almost in an unconscious state when the door opened, alerting me of Morgan's presence.

"Sorry to wake you, pretty boy."

"I wasn't sleeping."

He sat in his seat a minute, just staring into the night. His jaw set as he started the car. He reached for his phone, thought better of it, and put his car in drive. l watched as he tensed his hands on the wheel.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, pretty boy. Everything is fine."

"You can't lie to a proflier, Morgan."

He looked out the windshield for a long time, not saying anything. But when he finally spoke up, he looked sad.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've actually done something for me? I've been taking care of everyone else for so long that I haven't even thought about what I want. It's always what everyone else wants."

I thought for a moment. I needed to choose my words wisely. If not, I knew Morgan would explode. Like, if I was confronted with a man about to kill himself and I needed to talk him out of it, or he would. It felt like that.

"Why don't you do something for you, then? And I mean, honestly all for you. I know you're just itching for a girlfriend. Why don't you hit the club soon?"

Morgan hit my arm with a laugh. "Now you're speaking my language. Yeah."

His smile slowly faded. "I know you've never had a girlfriend, no offense, but I know you are really smart and I wanted to know if I could ask your opinion on something."

"Definitely. What's up?"

He sat silently for a minute, seeming to turn how he would say what he was going to say over in his head. "It's about Garcia."

I figured. "Yeah? You have feelings for her, don't you?"

"I'm pretty sure it's really obvious, Reid."

I looked out the window at the city. My eyes landed on the BAU building and I sighed. "Why don't you ask her on a date. Don't ask her to be your girlfriend until you are one hundred percent sure it's what you want. I mean, people can always have second thoughts. Invite her over, cook her dinner, maybe watch a movie. Just see how it goes. But most importantly, be yourself. Not the big, tough, scary Morgan everyone sees. Show her your soft side. She'll love it."

Morgan nodded slowly. "Okay, that's actually pretty sensible. Thanks, Reid." He turned and smiled at me. "Really, thanks. And honestly, I don't see why you don't have a girlfriend."

I shrugged. "People seem to enjoy brawn over brains."

"Not true."

"Derek. How many girls crawl over you compared to me?"

"Okay, it's mostly true."

He laughed and I couldn't help but join in. I saw Morgan as my older brother. I looked up to him for almost everything. He was awesome. A hero, in my mind.

"How does Chinese takeout sound?"


"Tomorrow, I want you to take it easy. I'm going to send you to the hospital to collect Britain. Help her get acquainted with my house, help make her feel at home. I'll let Hotch know that you hurt your hand and I gave you an easy day. The next day, you can come back."

I nodded. It sounded pretty reasonable. Plus, the hand I cut was my shooting hand. I wouldn't be able to pick up a gun for the next couple days.

"Alright. But I'm so awkward."

"Reid, she'll be in too much shock to notice. Just talk to her. Ask about her personal life. Her pets are at my house, so that should help calm her down."

"Okay, I think I can do that."

"I'll throw in an extra order of crab rangoon."


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