Chapter Fourteen

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No answer.

"Brit, come on."

Still no answer.

I looked over the back of the couch to see the front door hanging wide open. The cash that Britain had clutched in her hand earlier was strewn over the hardwood floor inside the doorway. A discarded pizza box laid on the front step.

I jumped up, running for the door. I ran out into the night and looked around. But, the night was dark and empty with no signs of the love of my life anywhere. 


We were gathered in the circle room, listening to Reid recall what had happened to Britain. "It's like the Zodiac all over again." He shoved both of his hands through his disheveled hair. "He'll kill her this time. I know it. She'll be dead. Mutilated. I'll never see her again."

"Reid." Hotch called. "Just, calm down. We'll get her back."

But Hotch's words went in one ear and out the other. Reid continued to ramble, panic lacing his voice.

"Morgan, get him calmed down." Hotch said and nodded toward Reid. 

"Hey, Reid. It'll be alright."

"You." Reid pointed at me. "You probably did this. You're mad because she's dating me and not you. You took her, didn't you?"

I held up my hands in a sign of peace. "Reid, you know I didn't have anything to do with this. Britain is one of my friends."

"Yeah, but you wanted more. And, you didn't get it. Tell me, Derek, where is she?"

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