Chapter Eighteen

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"They're so cute." Garcia said, taking my hand as we walked back to her car. "They're gonna do it, aren't they?"

"Probably. But, they're not the only ones."

Garcia smiled. "Oh, big black six pack, you are naughty."

I kissed her. "Come on, Penelope. Dinner is waiting."

"What?" She asked. "Did you cook for me?"

I wiped her smeared lipstick off with my thumb. "You, and only you."


"I've never actually done this before."

I laughed, grabbing Spencer and pulling him toward me. "You're so infuriatingly sexy. It's not fair."

Spencer smiled, kissing me. "Tell me what to do."

"It's not hard. Just, plug the hole."

And he did.


"Why are none of my agents answering their phones?" I asked myself as I tried Derek's cell again.

"What's going on?" J.J. asked, peeking into my office. "Where is everyone?"

"That's a good question." The line quit ringing. "Hold on, J.J. Where are you, Morgan?"

"Home. It's 3 am, Hotch."

"We've got a case. I need you here. Can you get a hold of Garcia? And try Reid, too. I can't get through to him."

I hung up. "J.J., set up in the circle room, please."


"God!" I picked my phone up. "What?"

"Reid, hey. Hotch has been trying to get through to you. We have to go in."

Britian groaned beneath me. "Work, isn't it?"

I hung up, leaning down to kiss her. "I'll be back."

She sighed, pushing the blankets aside. "Okay. You go to work. I'll find something to do."

"You're not coming?"

"I'm not ready. Not yet."

I kissed her throat. "Perfectly fine. Take a bath. Watch a movie. I'll be home as soon as possible."

Britian pulled the blankets over her bare body as I dressed. "Come here, baby." I smiled, placing myself in front of her. She pressed her lips to mine. "I love you."

I cupped her face. "I love you too."

"What would I do if I didn't have you?" She murmured.

I kissed her, seeing it was the only answer I could give her. Britian pulled back. "Fuck it. Give me five minutes to get dressed."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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