Chapter Ten

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My phone rang. I reached for it, careful not to wake Britain. "Hello?"

"Reid. Hey, are you busy? I'm on my way."

"Garcia. Um, you'll have to let yourself in."

It wasn't much later when my door opened. "Reid?"


Garcia came in. "Awww.... Oh my gosh. You guys are so cute. Oh, she's asleep. Oh, whoops. Sorry, I just brought some work."

She pulled up a chair across from me and spread some pictures on the coffee table. "Meet Daniel, Joseph, and Alexander. These three were last seen driving home from a high school baseball game Thursday night. Witnesses say they all got into Daniel's car and left the game.

"The three bodies were found today. Their hands were bound behind their backs, all of the tied together, back to back. Their hearts were, ugh, staked in front of them. Gross."

I picked up one of the pictures. "Not only were their hearts staked, they were broken. Love gone wrong?"

Garcia gagged and flipped the pictures over. "Gross."

"Why are you bringing this to me? Why isn't this at the office?"

"Well, needless to say, they're stumped." Garcia looked to me with pleading eyes.

"Let me wake her up and we'll come down." I gently shook Britain awake. "Hey, honey. Come on, I need you to wake up."

She mumbled and rubbed her eyes. "Hm?"

Britain smiled sleepily up at me. "Oh, I forgot I fell asleep on you. Sorry." She giggled and stretched. I kissed her head. "We have to go to the BAU. Come on."

She stood, gasping. "Ah, my legs are asleep." She laughed again and stretched again. I stood. "Britain, this is Garcia. Garcia, this is Britain."

"Oh, where are my manners. It's a pleasure to meet you." Britain said as she shook Garcia's hand. "Likewise, sugar face."

Garcia stood, slipping her arms into her coat. "See you soon, Reid."

As she left, I picked up the pictures and slid them back into their folder. I made sure everything was put up and opened the door. Britain stepped outside, hugging her arms. "Dang. It's cold."

I locked the door and wrapped my free hand around her shoulders. She blew on her hands as we walked to my car. She got in the passenger seat. I cranked up the heat as I started the car.

Britain pulled her hands into her sleeves and tucked her fists under her arms. I rubbed her arms. "Buckle up."

She watched me as I drove. "Yes?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. You're just so cool and collected. I mean, there's a killer on the loose."

"Well, are you scared?"

"Me, scared? Pshh.. hell yeah, I'm scared."

I gave a small laugh. "Welcome to the BAU."

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