Chapter Eight

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"What's going on, Reid?"

"I'm not sure. I'm assuming we kind of bonded. My brain was made to study other peoples behavior, not my own emotions. Whatever the case, she wants to stay with me until she talks to our supervisors tomorrow. I'll come by and get her pets."

"No, need. They're already in my car. You have a back yard that's fenced. I don't."

I sighed. Great, he was going to dump them on me anyway. "Alright. Makes sense."

"Are you two..."

"If you're asking if I like him, the answer is yes." Britain said as she came down the porch steps wearing one of my only normal sweatshirts. She had the sleeves rolled up to her wrists and I saw the scratches from the restraints that once held her to a table in an abandoned warehouse.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my side. "We had lunch, Morgan. It's not the end of the world."

"If you two do date, then the world is coming to an end. Spencer Reid, single for life, has a girlfriend. It should, like, be a major headline. They should make a movie."

Britain crossed her arms. "You're a douchebag. But, like, a nice douchebag."

Morgan scoffed. "I'm dropping the pets off and getting out of here. I'll see you both tomorrow. Spencer, use protection."

He opened the back door to his SUV and a German Sheppard jumped out. She went straight for Britain. Derek reached in and pulled out a small kennel. "Here's the kitty. He's a little fiesty today."

I took the kennel and Britain took a cardboard box from Morgan. "See you lovebirds. I'm out."

I led Britain to the back yard and we let her pets go. Her dog automatically bounded around like a maniac and her cat went straight for the porch and curled up on a lawn chair.

"Lily, she's insane. Then Oscar, he's a just a snooty little brat."

I laughed and watched Lily bound around the yard some more. I felt Britain's hand slip into mine. Her hand was warm and smooth. She leaned into me, her forehead resting on my chest.

Her warm breath seeped through my shirt, making me shiver. "You cold?"

"No, I'm not cold."

She looked up at me with curious eyes. "Do you think about what Derek said?"

"Which part?"

"About us?"

I thought about it for a while. I had no idea what to say. I mean, this has never happened to me before. I was kind of new to this.

"I mean, I get that we don't know each other that well, but I have always wanted to fall in love with a stranger. I've never met the perfect stranger until now."

She let go of my hand, curling her hands into fists and pressing them against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.



"Do you maybe want to be my girlfriend?"

She looked up at me. "Are you serious?"



Britain hugged me, kissing my cheek as she did. I laughed as she pulled me toward the house. "Come on. It's cold."

I locked the gate behind us. Didn't want the pets getting out. Britain was already inside, leaning against the kitchen counter. I smiled and locked the back door behind me. I sat down in my favorite recliner, gesturing for her to come over. She curled up on my lap, her head on my shoulder.

A small yawn escaped her. "Tired?" I asked and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "It's not fun to sleep in a hospital."

She leaned over the edge of the recliner and popped the leg rest up. I grabbed a blanket from out of my extra bucket and covered us both. I hooked my arms around her waist. "Can you recite the Romeo and Juliet again?"

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