Chapter Five

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I hadn't heard from Spencer since he got to the hospital at seven. It was almost noon. Needless to say, I was a little worried. I mean, anything could have happened.

I checked my phone for the umpteenth time. "Just go call him." Rossi said and nodded toward the door. "Thanks."

I stepped outside and dialed Spencer's number. "Dr. Spencer Reid speaking."

"Reid? It's Morgan. Is everyth-"

"Hold on! Britain give it back." Spencer laughed, followed by a crash. "Ouch. That hurt."

"Reid? What are you guys doing?"

Britain yelled in the background, almost like a battle cry.

"IHaveToCallYouBack!" Spencer yelled at lightning speed and hung up. I stared at my phone for a few minutes after he had hung up. What in the world was going on?

Rossi came outside with a coffee in his hands. "How's the kid doing?"

I stared at my phone a minute longer before shoving it in my pocket. "I need to go check on them. All I heard was yelling."

"What are you still standing here for?"

I rushed for my SUV and threw myself in. When I got to my house, no one was there. I headed for Spencer's house. The gate to the backyard was wide open. Spencer usually kept a Master lock on it. I put my hand on my pistol and stepped into the backyard.

It looked like cocaine heaven had exploded all over the lawn. "Reid?"

"Cease fire!"

Britain came out from behind a the big oak tree and Spencer stood from behind the propane tank. They were both covered in the white powder. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"We're having a snowball fight." Spencer said as if it were the most normal thing on Earth.

"It's June." I said.

"And they're just pantyhose and flour. Don't be a party pooper." Britain said as she aimed to throw one at me.

"Don't." I warned.

She frowned and threw it at Spencer instead. It hit him right in the face. He shook the flour off and narrowed his eyes at her. "This will go nuclear, Britain."

She stuck out her tongue at him. Great, we were stuck with an adult child. Ried stuck his tongue out back at her. Okay, two adult children.

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