Chapter Twelve

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We were in my SUV, heading toward the Daniel residence. Britain was in shotgun, Spencer was in the back. I needed a minute alone with Spencer to tell him the good news. Britain passed her test. The supervisors were going to let her be an agent.

My phone rang, some awful pop song Garcia set. I made a mental note to change it later. "What you got, Baby Girl?"

"Oh, brown sugar, what I wouldn't give to yo-"

"You're on speaker, Garcia." Reid cut her off.

"Reid, hi. Okay, so the address I sent you? Yeah, it's abandoned. The new one just sent."

"Thanks, Baby Girl."

"Later, sweet cheeks."

I hung up and tossed my phone to Reid. "Open the text from Garcia."

"New address is 256 Landers Circle."

I put on my blinker and pulled into a gas station. "I gotta piss. Reid, come on."

He gave me a questioning look but followed me inside.

"Hey, the supervisors are going to make Britain an agent. Today, when she gave the profile, they were very impressed. Hotch says she'll get her vest, gun, and badge when we get back. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I had to spill."

Reid was bitting his bottom lip, looking about as giddy as a drunk school girl. He let out a little squeal. I had never seen this side of Reid. Not even drunk. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even drink. I don't know. But now I kind of want to get him drunk.

"Okay, I'm alright. Okay. Wow. Alright."

I smacked him on the back. "Let's go. We got work to do."

The ride to the new address was quiet. Spencer was doing that weird nap thing he did where he was asleep but not asleep as the same time. Britain was looking out the passenger side window, a thoughtful look on her face. "What's on your mind, girl?"

"I'm just thinking. I mean, the family just lost their son and now a bunch of agents are about to harangue them until they get answers. Imagine how they must feel."

"It's not our job to imagine how they feel, but to imagine how many lives we're saving with their help."

She nodded, her lips pursed. "Some days I don't think I was cut out to be an agent. I worry about the victims too much."

"Selflessness isn't a bad thing, honey. It just means you put others needs before yours. That's actually a great character trait to possess. Just remember, sometimes you need to come first too."

"What's going on with you and Garcia?"

Her question caught me off guard. I looked over to her before looking back out the windshield. "Nothing is going on between us."

She laughed. "Morgan, I don't believe you."

"Well, I'll let you know how our date tonight goes."

Britain sqealed. "Get out of here. No way! What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to cook her dinner and dessert and we're going to watch a movie. Nothing big."

"Let her pick."

I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Let her pick the movie." She clarified. "She may not like gorey movies. Watch a chick flick."

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