Chapter Seventeen

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"Come here."

I fell into Spencer's waiting arms.

"How are you holding up?"

I sniffed, wiping away my tears and shoving another bite of pizza into my mouth. I chewed, swallowing, amazed by how two days in captivity could make pizza taste so amazing. "Please don't ever let me go."

"Never again."

"I need a shower."

Spencer helped me up. "How about you just take a hot bath and just relax in the tub?"

I nodded, pushing up off his chest so he could move. His head snapped to the door as the doorbell rang. He placed his hand on the gun at his hip. "Stay here."

He peeked out the window before opening the door. "Garcia. You scared us."

"Oh gosh. Oh goodness. I'm so sorry. I should have called first. It's just, Derek and I wanted to stop buy and check on Brit. How is she? Is she okay? Is she awake? Can I see her?"

"I don't want to smother her right now, Garcia."

"Oh. Yeah. Totally. I understand. Silly me. I'll just go. By-"

I ducked my head under Spencer's arm. "Hey, Penelope."

"Oh, Britian! Can I hug you? Is that okay? Are you hurt? Is it-"

I pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back. "Goodness, girl. You gave me a heart attack."

"Where's Derek?" I asked as we seperated.

"He was on the phone. He should be coming up in a minute." Garcia looked around the night. "Derek?"

"Coming, baby girl."

She smiled. "Hurry up, hot chocolate."


Britain threw herself at Morgan as he walked up the driveway. "How did you find me?"

"The car. He probably should have ditched it."

She laughed softly. "Thank you, Derek."

He held her tight. "I'm just glad we got you back to Reid."

Britain let Morgan go and turned to me. "Me too." She made her way to me, kissing me feverishly. I smiled into the kiss, pushing her against the siding of my house.

I broke the kiss. "Yeah, catch you later, guys."

Britian kissed me again. I reached behind her, pulling the door open, and pushed her through. "Use protection!" Morgan called as I kicked the door shut.

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