What You Gonna Do About It?

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The trees are swaying
The birds are singing
And butterflies keep flying 'round my head
I've sat here admiring
Singing along to the world
But I'd rather the butterflies be in my stomach instead

Do you just not get it, dear?
There's a sign on my head says;
No feelings in here
So you can try all you want
My heart's long gone
And I'm not the one for you
No, I'm not the one for you

Outside there's thunder
Inside there's lightening
And by inside, I mean inside my head

I've sat here regretting
All the things that I've done
And the terrible, terrible, terrible things I've said

Do you just not get it, dear?
Tell me what you gonna do?
What you gonna do about it?
Countless hours spent fixing my heart
Just for it to fall apart
Now I'm cold hearted

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