Keeping Secrets

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Let me explain what I mean when I say that I never thought that I'd end up here
Driving in circles and eating when I'm full
Just to fill the years

I am down and I am out then I'm down again
I'll go for a walk when my head starts to spin

I could list every crime
Every wandering eye
All the hands I didn't want near me
But it's not that easy

Do I keep secrets or do they keep me?
Will I be quiet for eternity?

I'd go swimming in my bed with words I left unsaid
Let them drown me out
I'll do wrong on purpose
Pretend I'm not nervous for when my head hits the ground

I am older but I'm none the wiser
And I'm nauseous from all the reminders
I will not come to terms
I would rather eat dirt
Then admit the things that I see in my sleep
On my knees till I bleed

Do I keep secrets or do they keep me?
Can't you tell that I'm lying through my teeth?

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