Dear You

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I don't love you - or maybe I do
I don't know anymore
I've heard it said that love and hate are so close together you can't tell them apart
And I read once that in the moment of killing someone (besides yourself) with hatred in your bones, you love them

You tore and tore and my heart healed (after years) around a wound shaped like the teeth that cut it open
I will bear this mark of you until I am old and grey
I will pass down the stories of how to know who not to lay trust into
I will teach the children of my children how to tell a broken heart from one that is so very, very cold

I was willing to forgive the feel of ice against my bones once
Never again

You were like a drug
You killing me over and over again was the rehabilitation I needed
It showed me that I am stronger than what you have made of me

I loved you once
Now it's shifted over to that oh so very thin line of hatred and I'm not going to cross back over
You can cast me your broken smiles and shattered eyes all you want
My feet are planted firmly in the roots of what I believe in
I do not believe in you, not anymore
You no longer reside in my soul
You are no longer here to decide your fate
And I am not sorry, I am angry
So pack the piles of pieces of you from the corners of my conscience and leave

The imprint you left upon my memories will be there
You have shaped me into what I am today and I love and hate it
In the same way I love and hate you

You are a part of me but, I want to forget, I want to break free
I want to forget
I am ready to forget

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