Empty Shell

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I didn't think much of it when I was little
I didn't notice all the empty bottles (as empty as you are)
They littered the counter tops and coffee tables
I didn't notice how you were always so unstable
I didn't think it odd for a moment because the whole time I've been around you've been broken
I haven't seen you happy and it kills me
I haven't smelt your breath without a hint of liquor hiding behind it

Somewhere on the climb up, you fell
You never saw what it was like at the top, to see that things get better, so you never tried

What I never saw when I was small is all that I can see now

Somewhere behind your eyes there is a corpse of somebody that could've been so grand but, never got their footing
So you just sat in a corner and withered away until, one day, there was nothing left

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