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I fucked up
What a surprise!
(Not really)

I'm on a path of self destruction and you just got in my way

I messed up
No way!

I'm on a dark path and I'm not taking you with me
Don't try to be my light

I lost you
By being a mess like always
By being myself

Don't follow me down this way
You won't like what you see
You won't like this side of me

I'm feeling sorry for myself
Like always!
And I want to tell you everything
Explain to you how I ended up here and how I began

But I won't let you inside the fortress, it's my safe place not yours

I want to die
I want to harm
And I can't say a word to you
It's all too much for you to handle

So leave me be I've got more scars to give myself

Poems by MEWhere stories live. Discover now