Upcoming Stud

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*Zoeys P.O.V*

I nervously slid out of the passenger seat of my moms car. Looking up at the name of the cafe infront of me I prayed it was the right one.

"Bye mom." I said while shutting the car door, signaling that she can drive off and leave me here.

I stood alone infront of the cafe, debating whether or not I should enter. Then again Camila did say to wait outside for her. This whole getting to know my captain thing was a lot more nerve racking then I thought it would be. I really do want to make a good impression.

Almost on cue, a 5'4, dirty blonde girl walked up to me and held out her hand.

"Zoey Sanders I presume. I'm Camila Westphal, you can call me Cam." She said in a welcoming voice.

I took her hand and shook it, just now realizing how jacked her shoulders and arms were. I smiled a nervous smile and wiped my sweaty palms on my blue jumper trying to calm my nerves.

"Yeah I'm Zoey, it's nice to meet you." I finally chocked out.

Camila gave me a warm smile and guided me into the cafe.
"It's nice to meet you to Zoey. I hope you don't mind the one on one meeting but I couldn't resist talking to the upcoming stud."

I blushed slightly at the phrase upcoming stud. I knew I was fast, but not that fast.
"Its no problem, I actually like the one on one meeting. It will help with our in and out of pool relationship." I awnsered honestly.

Camila smiled and guided me toward a table.

"Why don't you take a seat, and i'll go get us drinks. What do you want?" She asked politely pulling out her wallet.

I looked at her slightly surprised, I was after all planning to pay for my own drink. I looked up at the sign and found exactly what I wanted, peppermint mocha.

"I'll have a peppermint mocha please." I said alittle timid, worrying she might judge my drink choice. But instead she shook her head and said, "good taste" before walking up to the counter.

I drummed my fingers on the table and watched Camila order are drinks. At the same time a Boy around the same age as Camila crashed into the cafe. He strutted his way over to Camila and they quietly started arguing.

My grip in the table was causing my knuckles to whiten. I had known guys would Harass girls, but I'd never seen it in real life. What was I to do? Walk up the there tell him to back off?

Before I got a chance to do anything, Camila and the boy made their way to the table. My drink in Camila's hand. They both slid into the booth seat acrossed from me, Camila handed my drink over.

"Zoey, this is Luke. He's the captain of the guys team. During our season he'll be our team manager." She said with irritation in her voice.

Luke reached over the table and shook my hand, taking the opportunity to look me up and down. I rolled my eyes slightly before making eye contact with Camila, asking for help. Within moments she had pushed Luke back into his seat and gave him the "mom look".

"Nice to meet you." I said, still trying to be polite.

Luke only nodded his head with a smile his blonde hair following his head movement. I took a drink and watched Camila pull out her phone and open up meet mobile.

"This was our last year medley relay, our breaststroker went about a 32.01. Over all we go about a 1:53.02. You'd fit into our lane perfectly." She said looking up at me with pride.

Camila exited out of her relay and opened up my 50 breasts split. Luke leaned over and let out a low whistle.

"35.64 without any peak or taper. Cams gonna have a hard time keeping up, she can barely keep up with me." He said with cockiness in his voice.

I looked over at Camila, she seemed upset, in a mad way. Not at me beating her but Lukes comment about him beating her.

"I think you should go." She said in a soft voice creating tension

"Can't handle the truth princess?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"No, I can't handle your lies." Camila said her words cold.

Luke leaned toward Camilas face and said emotionless,
"The clock doesn't lie darlin, you've said it yourself."

Camila looked like she could deck Luke right then and there. The tension at the table was unbearable. I coughed slightly hoping to defuse the tension. Which it did, Luke got up and strutted out of the cafe leaving me and Camila alone.

*Hi I hope this chapter was better! I put a bit more time into it. See you next chapter little fishes! Just keep swimming!*

Word count: 830

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