Hello Swim Season

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*Lukes P.O.V*

I pushed open the school doors and walked inside. Looking around teachers made their ways through the hallways working on getting their rooms set up.

Their hustle and bustle reminded me of school starting next week. I groned slightly. I hated school, if I could make a career in the swimming, I would.

Avoiding the teachers I made my way toward the pool ready for girls season to start. I loved being deck manager, watching all the girls improve throughout the season, seeing all the hot girls. Though they were hot, they never really caught me as girlfriend material only few day flings. Truth was I only found them attractive if they showed strength for their sport in and out of the water.

"Hey man." Ashton, my best friend and lane buddy said walking up to me.

I smiled and side hugged him.
"Hey, how's it going?" I asked

He shook his head in a yes motion and walked us toward the pool door.
"Good, good. Listen they are warming up right now, coach wants us on deck to help the new swimmers."

I smiled, and pushed the pool door open. Cams voice could clearly be heard shouting numbers
"1!" She shouted
"1" the team replied
They kept counting, their voices echoing in the pool area.

Walking onto deck I finally saw them, all 25 girls. It was a small girls team, but they still packed a punch at conference.

I made eye contact with Cam who had just finished counting, she rolled her eyes toward me and leaned toward Kennedy whispering something in her ear, which made Kennedy laugh.

I too rolled my eyes, before making my way toward coach with Ashton.

"Good afternoon gentlemen." Coach said while looking at paper work.

"Afternoon coach John." Me and Ashton said at the same time.

"Alright boys, Ashton can you take over on my computer. Put in the name, year, and contact number on this doc. Luke, I'm going to put the girls in lanes I think they can keep up with. Can you watch and correct any mistakes?" Coach asked.

Ashton took his place infront of the computer and I stayed by coaches side as he assigned each girl a lane. I watched as the top girls slid into lane 1 and the newbies slide into lane 6.

Coach walked down to lane 6 to teach the newbies, I on the other hand stayed by lane 1 and read the set on the white board...

1000 warm up
4×25 fly,back,breast,free @1:00
8×75 kick, drill swim 15 sec
5×100 3-2-1 breathing pattern 30 sec
300 cool down

It wasn't a bad first day set for the girls. I looked over at kennedy and Cam caping each other and talked about something, I couldn't hear. Zoey, the freshman I met yesterday slid into lane 1 next to kennedy and Cam. Cam smiled and quickly introduced Zoey to her new lane buddies. Before helping Zoey get her cap on.

Coach whistled and told everyone to start warm up. Almost immediately the girls pushed off the wall 5 seconds apart beginning their 500 swim out of their 1000 warm up.

Cam leading the lane was looking strong, kennedy swimming just behind her was lagging a bit. I knew they both did summer training but kennedy must have only trained in diving, which made sense. Leah who was the A relay backstroker was behind Kennedy looking decent but not yet 100% confident in the water. Zoey in the back was falling a bit behind.

I couldnt blame her, freshman year, being thrown put with the juniors and seniors in the fast lane.

I walked toward the end of the lane rubbing my hands together, their 500 swim was ending which meant 200 kick was next.

Cam touched the wall and came up from the water.
"Looking alittle weak there Westphal!" I shouted just to piss her off

She grabbed her kick board and glared at me.
"Shut it Spyri." She shouted back.

At the same time kennedy touched the wall and grabbed her kick board as well.

"Still being a dick I see" Kennedy exclaimed keeping her eyes on the clock.

I rolled my eyes and neeled down toward the girls in the water.
"Look i'm not being a dick, I'm just telling the truth." I smirked

Cam rolled her eyes and pushed off for her 200 kick, Kennedy however turned toward me anger in her face.

"Look Luke, you're not telling the truth, we both know that. If you both got in the water right now Camila would beat you by 5 seconds. She busted her ass all summer. You probably just screwed a bunch of girls."

I nelt there stunned as Kennedy pushed off. Of course she would have Cams back. Leah grabbed her kick board and gave me "the look" before pushing off. Zoey on the other hand looked at me like a deer in headlights before turning and pushing off of the wall.

I quickly pulled myself together and stood up. I ran to meet Cams kick pace, once I did I took a fast backward walk to talk with her (more like annoy her.)

"Busting your ass all summer, ey?" I said with a raised eyebrow and smile.

"None of your business." She replied, still kicking.

"Is that what you were doing the other day in your dads pool?" I questioned, finally putting the pieces together.

Cam rolled her eyes.
"At least I was training, what did you do? screw with Hannah all summer?" She said Hannah with venom on her lips.

I myself wanted to cringe at dating Hannah.

"We broke up half way through the summer." I shrugged, trying to play it cool.

Truth was, she is a total bitch. I couldn't stand her. I thought dating someone who enjoyed swimming would be nice. That is until I found out she was one of those toxic, my parents put me in the sport and now I must beat everyone, kind of swimmer.

"Still not caring for any girl you flirt with?" Kennedy shouted from behind Cam earning looks from the other swimmers and Ashton across the pool.

Coach must have seen us chatting too because he gave me the "do work" look. I exited away from lane 1 and made my way over to lane 2. It was fun to piss of Cam, until she got really angry at me. Like now.

*hello long chapter fishes, hope you liked things from Lukes perspective. I'm trying to make him more of a bad person but its not working lol. Anyways see you next chapter fishes. Just keep swimming!*
Word count: 1125

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