Not Going Back To Your House

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I handed my clip board to a man in the pool office and walked out onto the deck. The meet was finally over, and things had crashed and burned. I never realized the impact Cam had on the girls team till now. With Cam upset about the race, the rest of the team had a bad second half of the meet. No one dropped time, and we ended up losing.

I walked over to Cams swim bag, the girls were finishing cool down so they were no where near their stuff. I dug inside of the bag and pulled out her car keys. There was no way I was letting her go home by herself.

One thing I've learned about Cam over the years is, when things didn't go her way... she trained harder. With her dad not home I was worried she would work herself passed the point of exhaustion. Which I think she already was at due to this meet.

I shoved the car keys in my pants pocket and turned toward the pool again. The girls slowly getting out of the water.

Camila walked past me and picked up her bag, before turning back to the team.

"Girls look around! Pick up any trash in your area before leaving the pool deck!" She shouted trying to get back into captain mode to distract her from the internal sadness she was feeling.

Cam picked up her bag and started walking toward the lockeroom but I grabbed her arm to stop her. She turned to look at me her eyes tired and her hair pulled into a wet messy bun.

"Hey," I said gently, "don't get upset, I have your car keys. I'm taking you home with me."

Her face flashed in quick anger but turned tired, it was late in the night, she had cried alot, and swam her hardest. How could she not be exhausted.

"Why can't I just go back to my house right away?" She asked with slight irritation in her voice.

"Because your going to go back to your house and beat yourself up all night long about that race. I'm not going to let you do that, so your coming to my house." I said giving no option.

Cam opened her mouth to rebuttal but was stopped short when Kennedy called her name.

"Cam stop flirting with Luke and come change!" Kennedy said making Cam blushed slightly causing her turn her head.

I smirked at the comment, Kennedy had said and pushed Cam toward the lockeroom slightly.

"Go change, I'll wait in the hall way." I said

Cam shook her head in an exhausted manor. Then left for the locker walking side by side with Kennedy.

I walked into the hall and leaned against the wall next to the lockeroom door. Shoving my hand in my pockets, I took a deep breath. The stress of the meet finally rolling off of my shoulders.

Heels clicked down the hall towards me and I rolled my eyes pushing off of the wall. Hannah now standing infront of my wearing her pink frilly dress and heals. Why the hell did she get so dress up after meets?

"So, how did I do?" She questioned trying to act sweet.

I looked at her without emotion before I looked toward the lockeroom door and prayed Cam would walk out so we could go back to my house.

"Honestly Hannah, I wasn't even watching you." I said shrugging my shoulders, trying to give her the hint that I wanted her gone.

"Yeah, but you saw me win right?" She said quickly getting annoyed that I wasn't paying her any attention.

"Yeah I saw you touch first, but I wasn't taking your split so I wasn't watching you race." I said plainly taking off my deck pass, as it was getting almost as annoying as Hannah.

"Well, me and my Family are having dinner. You should come so I can tell you all about it!" She said trying to take my hand to come with her.

"Hannah we aren't dating anymore." I said pulling my hand away.

She placed her hand on her hips like a 4-year old and looked at me.

"I know that silly but we can still go have dinner, you must be hungry." She said trying to convince me.

Truth was, I was starving. I hadn't had dinner before this and it was started to hit me. I looked back at the lockeroom door and shook my head.

"Sorry, I have other plans." I said, and just at that moment Cam walked out of the lockeroom door.

Wet hair in a messy bun, her figure covered by her baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. Her eyes still slightly red from crying so much. She looked at Hannah as she walked out but didn't pay her much attention before turning to me.

"Let's go, please. " She said nudging me toward the door.

I tried to hide my smile as I watched rage cross Hannah face when she realized Cam was coming with me. I shook my head to Cam and we walked out of the school to my car.


Back at my place, me and Cam entered the front door into my empty house.

"Want anything to eat?" I asked opening the cupboard.

"Food." Was all she replied while dropping her swim bag on the floor.

I was about to make fun of her for that comment, but I quickly stopped realizing the situation. Cam was sad, tired, and hungry. Making fun of her would only make her upset, and put us back at square 1.

"Go upstairs to my room and take a shower, I'll make some food." I said

Cam crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why am I taking a shower here, can't I just go back to my place?" She questioned

"No, because you're going to go home and burn yourself out." I said trying to reason with her and keep her calm.

"I'm not going to do that!"

"Yes you will."

"Fine I'll just work out late tonight when you bring me home!" She shouted, in an exhausted way.

"Then I guess you're spending the night here." I said my voice raising a bit.

"Nice try. Luke Sypri but you don't have a spare room and you won't get me to sleep on that couch!" She shouted again picking up her bag.

I quickly picked up my car keys so she couldn't drive away and I looked dead at her.

"Then I guess your sleeping with me." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Why didn't I think before I speak. I looked at Cam her checks a bit red she opened her mouth to argue again but I heald my finger out to stop her.

"No! go upstairs and shower, I'll bring food up." Guess there was no going back on what I'd said now.

I watched as she dropped her bag and made her way upstairs to my room.

*welcome back! I'm sorry I didn't post Thursday my swim practice ran late and I was too tired to post. Hope you like it. See you next chapter fishes, just keep swimming!*

Word count: 1210

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