An Agreement

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*Cams P.O.V*

I woke up, well sort of. My body was not ready to be awake, I was after all warm and content under the covers, my head pressed into the soft pillow. Behind me I could feel soft breathing on my head... Holy shit!

I quickly turned to see who I was sleeping with, but an arm around my waist stopped me.

"Mornin." Luke said next to me. His voice deep and still groggy from waking up.

I took a sigh of relief, and relaxed alittle knowing it was luke next to me and not some stranger. I had always been a good high-school kid, but I wouldn't put it past myself to go out and drink after the race I had last night....

Last night, I must have actually fallen asleep in Lukes bed. I relaxed into Lukes body a bit remembering last night after the meet.

It was my plan to wait for luke to fall asleep then sneak out and go home to work out. But Luke's body heat and the soft murmering of the TV must have put me to sleep. Truth was, I wasn't that upset about it.

I flipped over from one side to the other to face Luke. He had his brown eyes half open his hair in a messy blob almost covering them. He was still shirtless laying on his back, he looked at me.

"How you sleep?" He asked sitting up and stretching.

"Good." I responded, feeling a bit awkward.

My mind had finally caught up with the situation I was in. I was currently waking up, in bed with Luke Spyri, after sleeping with him all night. A guy who I couldn't stand being with a few weeks ago I was now laying next to staring at him with a small smile.

Luke got out of bed, pushing the covers off of him. He stood up and stretched lightly before handing me my phone. I took it and turned it on, reading several messages from Kennedy.

Who the hell is this?

Awnser me.

Camila Lee Westphal if this is some cruel joke I'm going to hunt you for sport or make you swim the 2 fly.

I smiled and looked at Luke for a quick second, kind of glad he didn't tell Kennedy what had happened last night.

Jokes on you I like the 2 fly

I responded before shutting off my phone and getting out of Luke's bed. I walked over next to Luke and looked over his bare shoulder as he picked a sweatshirt to wear. Him finally deciding on a red team sweatshirt I stepped back and let him put it on.

"So, whats the plan today?" I asked entering his bathroom to brush out the messy bun I had slept in.

Luke stood under the bathroom door frame and looked at me his fingers twiddling with his Braclet.

"What do you mean?" He asked before placing both hands on the top frame, sticking out his arms.

I looked at him but quickly looked away... God that was really attractive. I continued to look in the mirror and brush out my hair.

"Well both our Dads are gone, we could start training." I said shrugging before looking back at Luke trying to ignore how good his muscles looked right now.

Luke dropped his arms and shrugged.

"Well, I was thinking. Breakfast, run, weight room, then you have practice tonight." Luke said making me look at him confused.

"Its Saturday, I don't have practice." I stated.

"You sure?" Luke asked with a smirk walking closer to me.

"Positive." I responded raising an eye brow.

Luke pulled out his phone and pulled out his swim schedule to, today.

"Oh, whats this!? Saturday begin of taper... captains practice." He said in a mocking tone.

I placed my head in my hands, I had completely forgot.

"I planned that when I was in a better mood." I said honestly.

Luke looked at me and gave me a side hug looking in the mirror.

"Welp, no turning back now. I hope you have something fun planned cause who said I'm not getting in the water today!" Luke shouted exiting the bathroom going downstairs to make breakfast.


After breakfast with Luke and a short run I found myself in the car with him driving to the weight room, music blaring tapping my fingers on my thighs. Pulling in, I unbuckled and entered the gym with Luke. Before I could even pick up a weight Luke turned and stopped me.

"Before we do this, we have to agree on something." He said looking into my eyes. "No more fighting. Petty fights, big fights, fighting at home or in the pool. I can't help you if you hate me all the time."

I looked at him understanding what he was saying.

"Why would I fight with you right now, when all you're doing is helping me? I've liked the past few weeks of us beings friends, I want it to be like old times again." I said honestly looking at him with a small blushy smile.

Luke smiled wide, his dimples showing.

'I've liked these last few weeks too... Now, let's start with bench presses I've notice in the water your arms drag a bit..."

Several years of hatred for Luke just went out the window, looking at him smile, and the way he's been kind to me the last few weeks. It has brought me back to middle school when we were best friends. Only this time I looked at him and I felt something alittle more then friendship.

*hey y'all, could you guys like, like or comment. I feel like its kind of silent on my end... just want to make sure I'm doing this story the justice you guys think it deserves. See you next chapter fishes... just keep swimming!*

Word count:977

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