Oh My God He Is Attractive

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*Camilas P.O.V*

Practice was only getting increasingly harder, I didn't mind but somedays it made me too exhausted, especially after a day of school.

I looked over at Luke, Ashton and Elmer at their little table and sighed. I felt awful, after our yelling fit a few days ago Luke still hadn't talked to me. He didn't even try to annoy me, weirdly enough I kind of missed his attention.

"Look, I'm just saying his abs are a good feature." Ella, in the lane over, said adding to the girls conversation.

They were currently discussing why Luke was the hottest boy on the swim team and who should get to date him.

"Look, I still like his hair and eyes better than his abs." Anna stated still staring at him.

"I dont know. What do you think Cam?" Layla asked.

I nearly chocked on my water.

"What?" I asked coughing a bit, still trying to recover from the surprise question.

"What do you think Is the best feature? I mean you hang out with him more." Layla stated again.

I paused for a moment and looked at all the girls around me, was this really the conversation we are about to have?

"Nothing." I stated planning, suddently my goggles became very interesting.

"Nothing! Not even his cheek bones?" Hannah questioned her voice a bit confused.

"You have to remember, Cam hates Luke." Kennedy reminded them.

Zoey next to kennedy also shook her head arguing with the statement but not vocalizing it. Leah slightly snorted to herself finding the comment alittle too funny.

"OK, but imagine for a moment you didn't. What feature would you pick then?" Anna asked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before looking over at Luke again, his blonde hair falling over is brown eyes as he looked at something on Elmer's phone before slightly laughing.

"I don't know, maybe his smile, or height." I said finally, in my head I couldn't help but think....

Oh God I found Luke attractive. Him sitting there, in his white shirt formed tightly around his muscles, running his fingers through his hair. Oh no this isn't good.

"Can we start the main set please." I stated harshly.

"Someone just got really defensive." Leah stated placing her goggles on her eyes.

I gave her the look, before looking at the board.

"Kennedy can you read the set please?" I asked still blind in the pool.

Kennedy nodded and started reading off the main set.

"10, 75s kick, drill swim. 8 100s 1st 25 stroke, 2nd free, 3 stroke, 4th stroke. 6 75s breath decrease, 5 50s kick."

I looked over at Leah, who cursed under her breath. Then I looked at Zoey, poor Zoey. Her eyes were wide at the board her face full of a desperate emotion. She turned to face me and mouthed, "I cant do this." Before hoping out of the pool throwing on her parka, and making her way toward the hall way.

"Zoey!" I called toward her.

"What the hell is going on over there lane one!" Coach yelled.

I looked at coach slightly worried.

"Its ok coach I've got it!" I yelled then turned toward lanes 1, 2, and 3." You guys start the main set, Kennedy will lead it till I get back."

I hoped out of the pool and put on my parka. Luke stood up from his chair and looked at me with a confused face. I simply shrugged at him before rushing out of the pool area, Luke on my tail.

My and Luke burst into the hall way frantically searching for Zoey. We eventually spotted her at the end of the hall crying. Me and Luke slowly walked up to her, squatting down to look at her face as she was sitting on the floor.

"Zoey, whats wrong?" I asked on a soft voice.

She looked up at me with tears coming out of her eyes.

"I don't, I can't keep up Camila." She said through sniffles

"Zoey we talked about this." I said sitting down on the floor acrossed from her, Luke doing the same.

"Zoey its ok to feel behind. You have the honor of being in the fastest lane As a freshman, you should be proud of that. No one else can keep up with Cam shes fast, ok. Its nothing you should feel sorry about, you are still faster than every other girl on this team. You should feel accomplished, not embarrassed or discouraged." Luke stated in a the same calm voice.

I looked over at Luke, mostly shocked. Though the words weren't directed towards me, I felt like they were. It was the first true compliment Luke had given me sense we started hating each other.

"Its not like that." Zoey stated now looking embarrassed.

"Zoey, whats wrong then?" I asked placing a hand on her knee.

"I, I cant keep up with you guys, in the sense.... well, you're all older than me. In lane 1-3 you talk about subjects that I cant keep up with because I'm an underclassmen, like school, or like just now with boys."

Luke raised his eye brow toward me about the boy comment Zoey made. I turned my gaze away from him, as I had started blushing. We were after all talking about him.

"And all my friends are in the lower lanes I never get to talk to them during practice, like how you get to talk to kennedy. I put in work that makes my muscles burn, and I'm not seeing results." Zoey said finishing her rant.

I looked at Zoey feeling bad. I never put into consideration how she might have felt around all the older girls. Truth was I felt the same way at her age in the fast lane... I felt like an outcast.

"Zoey, you are ways welcome to join in on our conversation, never think we don't want you. That being said if you want to be with your friends you are more than welcome to change with them in the locker room and hang out with them at meets. Mentioning meets, we have our first one tomarrow. If you don't see the results you want, we can make arrangements for you to move to a lane you wish." I said.

"But Zoey, you are working very hard in that pool and I garentee you will see improvement." Luke said finishing my thoughts.

Zoey looked at us and slowly stood up.

"Promise?" she question with doubt still in her voice.

"Promise." Me and Luke said at the same time smiles on our faces.

*what an actual decent chapter, weird I know. Any ways ready for their first meet? See you next chapter fishes and just keep swimming

Word count: 1118

The Clock Doesn't Lie (A Swim Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz