lunch drama

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*lukes P.O.V*

I walked down the school hallway, lunch in my hand ready for food. The week had been long with school and swimming, but the nights were exhausting, staying up for the swim meet was one thing but the last few practices had run late and being a team manager... I had to stay there for all of it.


I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen, mentally groaning to myself as I saw who texted me.

It was Hannah. For an ex she was texting me a lot recently.

Hey Luke I saw you were the girls manager again... how's that going?

I didn't reply to her, I knew she just wanted team secrets or to find out how much yardage Cam was swimming.

Heyy so I was thinking, maybe we train together again?😊

That was the morning after our home meet, th I just left her on read again. Frankly this was getting annoying and I didn't feel like putting in the effort or replying to a girl I didn't have feeling for anymore. To be honest I don't think I ever did. Why I dated Hannah was still a mystery to me.

Hey, swimming in my meet tonight wish me good luck!💋

That was yesterday's and the message today....

Hey, I went a 55.34 tell Camila to watch her back, for me💋

I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at my phone. No way in hell she went a second faster than Cam.

Bull shit.

Was all I texted Hannah, before shoving my phone in my pocket and heading into the lunch room. I sat down at my lunch table next to Ashton and the guys, a few of them looked up at me and said hi but quickly went back to some photo on their phones.

I rolled my eyes I could only assume what the photo was. Ignoring them I looked across the lunch room Cam, her blonde hair pulled into a pony tail wearing a red tank top and mom jeans. She laughed at something Kennedy said, her eyes lighting up and her dimples showing as she smiled.

Hannah had to be bullshiting I quickly thought, looking away from Cam I pulled out meet mobil. And sure enough right there under Hannah Slides, 100 yard butterfly: 55.34. I looked up at Cam sitting at her table joking with her friends, happy, some would maybe say cute. She had to know, I had to tell her, but would going up to her lunch table be a good idea?

Last time I attempted to sit at her lunch table we had a fight, a big fight. I had gone there to tell her about me dating Hannah, said to her "that I was dating someone who could win." Damn why was I such a bitch to her?

I took a deep breath and stood up from my table.

"I'll be right back guys." I said quickly, as I made my way over to Cams table.

Immediately I was met with cold glares from every girl, Cams smile shrunk but was still slightly there.

"Hey Luke." She said trying to be friendly.

I smiled at her and took a seat across from her, the smile completely diminishing from her face.

"Luke, I've been enjoying the past few days of us not arguing. Can we not start one now?" She asked being truthful.

I looked at her, trying to hide a smile. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who was enjoying the break from our little rivalry.

"Not going to fight I just wanted to show you something." I said being honest.

I pulled out my phone and showed her the messages from Hannah. She raised a eye brow and read the first two messages with Kennedy leaning over her shoulder to see them.

"Luke I really don't care if Hannah is trying to get back together with you again." She said plainly before returning to her lunch.

"Did you read all of it?" I asked realizing she probably didn't.

"No because I don't care. I don't need to know what your doing to girls on our rival team as long as you aren't sharing team secrets." Cams voice came out slightly irritated, one could say disappointed.

I looked at her with an open,disbelieved mouth as she flipped her pony tail over her shoulder, her eye sight returning to her food. Kennedy gave me a glare that said "leave now bitch." Without actually saying it. Sometimes I forget how defensive all the girls are over Cam.

"Cam." I said trying to reason with her. "Camila."

She finally looked up from her lunch toward me her brown eyes meeting mine.

"You said no fighting." She said plainly.

I readjusted in my seat and kept looking at her, trying to figure out what was going on In her head.

"We aren't, just please read the whole thing and you'll understand." I said plainly handing her my phone.

I watched as she scanned the screen reading the messages, her eyes getting wide as she read the time.

"Bullshit." Was all she said still looking at the phone.

"Cam its her real time, its up on meet mobil." I said taking my phone as she handed it back to me.

She grabbed out her phone and I assumed pulled up meet mobil. Kennedy looking over her shoulder the whole time.

"Well shit." Kennedy said before popping a chip in her mouth.

Cam set down her phone on the lunch table, her figures twitching a bit.

"Cam its not something you should worry about, you've got this. I just thought you should know to be prepared." I said trying to wash away her nerves.

She simply shook her head and looked down at the table, clearly processing the information.

"And as promised," I continued, "no fighting, goodbye ladies but I'm going to return to my lunch now."

I stood up from the table and made my way toward mine. While walking away I could faintly hear Cam say,

"Thanks Luke."

*hey i'm back on my updating role and I'm proud. Stories going places and its getting exciting. You hate Hannah just as much as me? See you next chapter fishes! Just keep swimming!*

Word count: 1059

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