Weight Lifting Early Monday

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*Cams P.O.V*

I rolled out of bed, slapping my alarm. The thing had been blaring for the last 5 minutes, but I was too tired to turn it off. Standing up next to my bed I put in my contacts and looked out the window at the dark sky.

With taper now started, morning practice had ended. But that didn't mean I still wasn't waking up at 4 in the ducking morning. I rushed down the stairs and entered the kitchen to find my dad cooking breakfast..... shit.

"Why are you up so early? You don't have morning practice anymore." He asked pausing his cooking momentarily.

After my dad and Lukes dad got back from their mid-season meet, we both thought it would be best not to mention me staying the night at Luke's house. Though, I had also forgotten to tell my father about our new training plan.

"Me and Luke are going weight lifting." I said quickly, filling up my water bottle.

"Really?" He said now abandoning he cooking and looking straight at me.

"Yeah, after I lost the race," I paused momentarily still partially upset I had lost, "Luke offered to help train me."

My dad shook his head eyeing me suspiciously as I exited the kitchen. As I shut the door I could hear him yell,

"Have fun!"


I entered the empty weight room. Well almost empty, Luke was in the corner dead lifting. I stood there and watched him for a minute. He lifted in a lose tank top and basketball shorts, his blue Braclet was off and sitting next to his phone, and his blonde hair was already partially wet from sweat.

I began to stretch, but I didn't take my eyes off of Luke. He set down the bar and looked at me giving me a smile, he picked up his phone and put on his Braclet as he made his way over to me.

"Mornin." He said running his fingers through his hair, standing in front of me.

"Mornin, so what are we doing today coach?" I stressed the word "coach" just to annoy him.

"First of all, don't call me coach I'm not my dad, and secon... I figured we start out with bench presses."

I nodded and followed Luke, laying down of the bench I looked up toward the bar. Luke made his way around to the back and stood behind me ready to spot. I lifted the bar up and began with Luke standing behind me spotting. The 3 reps of 10 didn't take that long and before I knew it we were ready to move onto something else.

"Are we actually going to do swim based stuff or just lift?" I asked, remembering how last time we just lifted, "because I lift every day Luke and it obviously didn't make a difference."

"Yeah we are, just hold on." Luke said walking us over to the back extentions machine.

Luke motion for me to get on it, so I did. Locking my feet in place and adjusting my hips. Luke walking over with two 5 pound weight putting one in each of my hands.

"Alright now show me your fly stroke." He said taking a step back.

I looked at him suspiciously, but moved my arms in the fly motion anyway. He raised an eye brow, I dropped my arms still holding the weights and looked at him.

"What?" I asked now raising an eye brow at him.

"Your hands are dragging, I noticed you do that in the water as well." Luke said walking over he held up my under arms and guiding my arms through the motion.

"Are you sure this isn't too high?" I asked.

"Positive, in the water your arms would be at a perfect height. Can you bring your hips up higher? You're depending to much on the machine for your core strength."

I tried to readjust myself but found it rather difficult. Luke noticed and made his way over grabbing onto my hips and helping. His fingers holding onto my waist I became slightly distracted by the feeling.

"Alright do 5 more, and remember keep your arms high so you don't drag." Luke said still holding onto my waist.

I attempted to do another one, but my mind was still on the feeling of Luke's hands around my waist.

"Could you not do that?" I asked dropping my arms again.

"Do what?" Luke asked innocently.

"Keep your hands there." I said gesturing with my head, causing Luke to look at me confused, "It's distracting." I finally mumble

Luke blushed, but chuckled to play it off. He removed his hands from my waist and continued to watch me from the side.

"Alright, 5 more princess." Luke said

"5 more! I just did one therefore I only have four left." I rebuttaled, these after all were very exhausting.

Luke began to talk well he walked over to me with a smirk.

"That one didn't count. It was sloppy and distracted," Luke then got in my face. He was so close to me I could feel his breath on my face, his lips almost touching mine, I froze, "because someone couldn't keep in in their pants."

Luke pushed away from me and I snapped back into reality. Dropping my arms and the weights to the ground I stood up from the machine.

"Really!?" I stated in a agressive- joking manner it was obvious Luke was messing with me, but I didn't like the fact that Luke had been particularly right.

Right there, how close he was to me. I wish he would have just kissed me... wait no, shit. I did not just think that. I blushed profoundly and turned my head hoping Luke didn't see.

But he did see, he smiled and sat down in a chair taking a sip from his water bottle before talking.

"Look, if I'm going to be to distracting-" Luke started.

"No, you won't. I'll finish the 5 alright." I said getting back on the machine.

Luke had sweet talked, and flirted with almost every girl in the school, but he had never gotten to me. Ever. I always wondered why girls fell for his charms, because all I ever saw was the bitch side of him. But now, God damn it. I was worried that one day in practice when I started to find him attractive.

Now... oh God now, I found him more than just attractive.

*welcome back, sry I missed yesterday's update, its been a crazy week. Being captain of the swim team is fun and all, but it does have its busy stressful moments. See you next chapter fishes, just keep swimming!*

Word count: 1120

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