I Can't See Remember?

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*Camilas P.O.V*

Warm up felt, blah. My muscles not yet ready for the main set to start. I knew it was all from the weight lifting I did this morning. Kennedy touched the wall beside me and stood up her warm up completed

"Well I feel like shit." She stated out of breath.

I chuckled a bit before concentrating on the white board. Everything without my contacts or glasses was a blur. Making it impossible to read the set.

My line of sight shifted from the set to Luke and his friends sitting around the table. Ashton was actively working on the computer. Most likely inputting names and phone numbers still. While Luke and Elmer talked while eating a McDonald's breakfast.

Lukes eyes met mine and I quickly turned my head back to the board hoping he didn't see me.

"Hey, kennedy? Can you read the main set?" I ask. Out of the corner I could see Luke walking toward our lane.... great.

"Yeah, its 2, 200 IM 100 free easy times 2, 75 kick 20 sec vertical dolphin kick time 8. Ill tell you the rest when we get there." She said, also eyeing Luke.

"Whats the matter Cam? Daddy never teach you how to read?" He said in a mocking tone now standing infront of the lane blocking the white board.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the digital clock waiting for the top.
"I can't see remember?" I said my tone annoyed and exhausted.

Luke posture quickly changed from cocky to confused.
"I thought you wore contacts?" He asked now generally interested in the conversation.

"I do, but I stopped wearing them in the pool after my eye infection last year. Maybe if you spent less time insulting me, you would actually learn something about my life." I said crossing my arms.

Zoeys eyes looked like they could pop out of her head, Leah averted her vision elsewhere, and Kennedy looked ready to throw hands. All of us waiting to see how he would reply.

Luke kneeled down on the deck giving me a mocking look.

"Sure thing, pink eye." He said referring to one of the many names him and his friends called me when I had the eye infection.

I so badly right then and there wanted to slap him across the face, but keeping up my good role model/ captain status, I only rolled my eyes.

"Did you come here to insult me, or did you have something of actual importance to tell me?" I asked my eyes now watching the clock, the blur of numbers slowly reaching the top.

"Yeah, right, coach wanted me to tell you all, to stay after practice. The news papers coming and wants to interview you four." Luke moved from his squatting position standing up walking back over to the table.

Zoey looked at me with confusion in her eyes, clearly wanting to ask a question but scared too.

"Spit it out kid." I said trying to encourage her.

"Why, why is the news paper coming to Interview us?" She questioned her voice quiet and hesitant.

I opened my mouth, ready to give her the awnser but kennedy gave it first.

"News papers and local news stations are all about swimming here. Every other sports team in the district sucks, plus when you've got someone as good as Camila it brings an interesting story to this boring town." Kennedy said in full honesty.

It was all true, swimming was one of the only sports that actually had a shot at a title in this town. Plus when I joined the swim team freshman year, the "press" (if you could call it that) had a hay day about me. They always wanted to know about training, about the team, when I was getting a record.
Some years it got annoying, but this year I had a feeling I would enjoy their attention, with the record right around the corner.... hopefully.

A sharp whistle, coming from coach on the other side of the pool pulled me from my thoughts.

"Lane one!" He shouted, "Top was 15 seconds ago!"

I sighed to myself and put my Goggles on just before plugging underwater I could here Luke scream,

"Yeah lane one pick up ya pace!"

*oof bad chapter, yeah I know, I promise it gets more interesting with the press next chapter. Not really sure how to go about this story tho so if you have any ideas, comment. Remeber the not seeing thing its important. See you next chapter fishes. Just Keep swimming!*

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