Things are looking up

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*Zoeys P.O.V*

I nervously paced by the front door. My hands rubbing on my thighs trying to wipe the sweat off.

"Zoey! When's your ride gonna get here!?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I opened my mouth to respond "any minute!" But in perfect timing Camila rolled up in her car to pick me up.

"She's here now! Bye mom!" I shouted bursting out of the front door. Behind me I could hear her yell.

"Bye sweety! Good luck at your meet!"

I practically threw myself into Cams car and she looked at me with a smile.

"Ready for tonight?" She questioned putting the car in gear, driving us to the high-school.


I had never been to a high-school swim meet before now, and it was crazy to say the least. Cam and Kennedy had been right when they said the whole town got involved with swimming. This was the first time I'd seen more people at a swim meet than a football game.

I stood by some of my freshman friends but watched Cam from a far. She had her parka hood pulled up over her head. Her cap and her goggles tucked into the bottom of her suit. She stood next to Luke and Ashton talking about something that was clearly important.

Everyone looked so formal... all the girls in their red and black team suits, the Boys dressed in nice swim polos, stopwatchs around their neck. Clip boards in their hands.

I watched as the captain of the other team made her way acrossed the deck toward Cam. Her purple and yellow suit standing out against the red and black. The two shook hands and motioned their hands in different directions discussing different objectives.

Almost immediately after the other teams captain left Cam turned toward us.

"Hey girls! Get over here we are doing cheers!" Cam shouted before standing on a block.

We all huddle around her, and the energy in my veins was only increasing. Practice was rough, I absolutely hated practice, but meets. Meets like this reminded me why I love the sport. I wrapped one of my arms around Leah and the other around a freshman girl and Cam lead the cheers.

"One we are the..." soon Cams voice couldn't be heard as we were all yelling the cheer getting fully into the vibe. We all had fire in our veins and we are ready to release it.

"Zoey! Leah! Kennedy! Cam!" Coach called for us we all walked over to him behind block 4, removing our parkas.

"Look i'm not saying you have a chance at state qualifying tonight... but its close."

I looked over at Cam she had a half smile in her face but was looking past coach. He continued talking about how we should go about the relay but I was distracted by what Cam was looking at.... the press just arrived.

Before I knew what was happening coach left and the announcer began to welcome everyone.

"Hello and welcome every one to the first swim meet of the season! Today..." I zoned him out and looked at Cam.

Shaking her arms and legs, her blonde hair hidden beneath her cap. She smiled at me for a quick second before getting back into the zone.

Luke came up behind Kennedy giving a small slap on the back, telling her without words "good luck." Luke made his way over to Cam and shook her shoulder abit.

"Remember to keep your butt high in the water, and take the every other breath tactic." Luke said to her giving advice.

To my surprise Cam offered no rebuttal statement, instead she only shook her head "yes". Luke removed his hands from Cams shoulders and went to go stand by Ashton getting his stop watch and clip board ready.

"The 200 medley relay, in lane one..." the annoncer continued bringing us closer to my first high school race. I thought I'd be more nervous but the noise from the crowd and the press here already taking pictures, it was all so thrilling.

"Hey, Kennedy tell me my split will you?" Cam shouted over the crowd.

Ken gave her a thumbs up and laughed. Leah put on her goggles and turned to Cam.

"Still to scared to wear contacts in the pool Cam?" Leah joked while stepping closer to the block.

"Hey when you get a chlorine infection in your eye, don't complain to me!" Cam said back in the same joking manner.

"Silence on deck!" The official called.

It immediately got silent. The gurgle of the gutters could be heard below, nervous breathing audible all around me.

"First event is the 200 yard medley relay. Back, Breast, Fly Free... Mr. Starter!" He shouted, letting the official with the beeper start.

"Back strikers in the water." His voice was scratchy coming out of the microphone.

I looked at Leah by the ledge of the pool still facing us, she gave a joking salute then jumped in. The splashing of swimmers entering the water could be heard throughout the quiet deck.

"Place your hands and feet. Take your mark...."


Leah took off on her back sprinting back stroke, the once silent pool now screaming and shouting.

As Leah flip turned and I got on the block bending my knees slightly as I watched her swim in. I could hear coach and Cam yelling something at me but I blocked them out focusing on my fingers following Leah in.

Leah's fingers inches away from the wall, I dove and took off in a fast breast strokes. My body moving fast in the water, two hand touch and a flip turn. Breaching from my long stream line, I could see Cam already up on the block her fingers wiggling. Her head nodding as Coach and Luke shouted at her something I couldn't understand.

My head bobbing up and down I took one last stroke stretching my fingers and touching the pad. Behind me I could hear Cam enter the water taking off in a long stream line.

I got out of the pool and could finally hear the words Luke and Coach were yelling.

"Hell of a split Zoey!" Luke shouted from the side of the pool while writing on his clip board before watching Cam.

Cam flip turned and Kennedy got on the block.

"Kennedy you gotta go a 23!" Coach yelled from the side at Kennedy.

Why a 23? I thought. Till I looked at the board, if Kennedy went a 23, we would qualify for states. I must have zoned out for too long because I heard a splash and saw Kennedy was gone. Camila got out of the pool breathing hard.

"Whats my split?" She questioned loudly.

"25.3." Leah awnserd, sitting on the pool deck still out of breath.

Cam only nodded before turning her attention back toward the pool. Despite being out of breath she shouted at Kennedy slapping the block with her hand at the same time.

As Kennedy flip turned coach lost all sanity and began jumping up and down.

"Kick Kennedy!" Luke shouted from the side out the pool.

"C'mon Kennedy swim!" Cam shouted as Kennedy kicked hard into the wall.

She touched and I quickly looked at the clock. My breathing stopped as I looked at the time. Luke started to jump up and down clearly excited.

"Thats the time! We're going! hell yeah guys!" Leah shouted jumping up and down.

States here I come, Was all I could think. Luke and Cam had been right all the work I was putting in, in the pool was finally pulling off and things were looking up!

*yeee guys I did it. Finally finished this chapter. More to come but im just proud I got this done with such a crazy week. See you next chapter fishes and just keep swimming!*

Word count: 1316

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