Couldn't Be Happier

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*Camilas P.O.V*

Stepping off of the podium I finally let the reporters swarm me. I had my time on the podium, and I had my time with Luke, it was now time for me to awnser all of their questions.

"Camilla how does it feel to have your name on the record board?"

I smiled.

"It feels great." Was all I could really say. Figuring out a way to express how I felt in words was too difficult.

"Camilla will you be going to states this year after qualifying?" Another reporter asked

"Yes I will." I said keeping my awnsers short and sweet attempting to get out if this little "press conference." As fast as possible.

"Camilla tell us about you and Luke, are you two dating?"

Boom, that right there was the question I knew was going to come up. Truth was, I had no idea how to awnser the question. No, we weren't really dating but to the everyone else we had just kissed each other on deck.

I looked over at Luke, who raised an eyebrow. He was also waiting to hear my awnser just like the reporters. I smirk slightly and tore my gaze away from Luke and looked back at the reporters.

"I don't know, you tell me." I said alittle too confident for my taste, but something about the line felt right. I walked away from the reporters, with them trying to follow me asking more questions with me giving them no awnser.

I made my way acrossed the pool walking with Luke at my side. He wrapped and arm around my waist as we walked.

"So, how does food sound?" Luke asked out of the blue.

"Food sounds great." I replied honestly. "But I really don't want fast food like Wendy's or McDonald's, I want something nicer."

"Well if its ok with you I was thinking about the nice pasta place down town, we could go together make it a date." He said the last portion looking straight ahead of him trying to be emotionless.

"Like a date? As in a date, date?" I asked looking at him with a dimpled smile.

Luke looked back at me his face a little worried I would say no.

"That is, if thats OK with you. I figured after the kiss..." he rushed his words getting nervous, it only making me smile more.

I lifted my head and lightly kissed me on the lips before awnsering,

"I would love to go on a date with you Luke Spyri."

Luke looked at me with a smile. Brushing back his blonde hair with his hand his brown eyes met mine.

"Good, because who could say no to this." Luke said jokingly while gesturing to his body, breaking the moment we were sharing.

I laughed loudly, while shaking my head.

"Certainly not me." I said with a smile causing Luke to blush.

He quickly recovered from his blush and wrapped an arm around me.

"That's what I thought, now let's go get your food. I'm sure you are absolutely starving." He said guiding me out of the pool deck.

On the way out several of the girls from every team congratulated me. Telling me good job and good luck at states. Kennedy as expected tackled me in a huge bear hug rambling on and on about how proud she was of me. Zoey gave me a small hug and told me good job with a light smile on her face, while Leah patted me on the back.

The happiness I felt today couldn't compare to any other event in my life. Looking at Luke though, I could tell the happy feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away for a long time.

*yo yo yo yo. How you like it! One more chapter/epilog then its done! Goodness I can't believe its already over but then again here we are!"

Word count: 652

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