Shut Up and Let Me Take You Home

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*Camilas P.O.V*

I pulled my self out of the pool at the same time as Kennedy, and grabbed my water bottle.

"How you feeling?" I asked her with a smile.

"Like I should have spent more time in the pool, than on the board this summer." Kennedy joked while leaning down to grab her water bottle.

I laughed at her comment, and watched Leah and Zoey finish their laps. Kennedy nudged my shoulder and looked at me.
"You gonna go get changed?" She asked taking off her cap.

"Yeah, I'm about to head to the locker room right now. Your coming?" I said wondering whether or not she was going to leave the pool deck.

Almost right away Kennedy shook her head as an awnser.
"No, the diving coach will be in after swim practice is done. So I'm going to stick around and work with him on my 6 dives for our upcoming meet."

I shook my head understanding, before leaving Kennedys side and heading towards the lockeroom. Once inside I immediately stripped out of my suit and grabbed my towel, getting at least my sweatpants on before everyone trickled into the lockeroom.

Zoey walked in laughing with some of the freshman and sophomores, making me smile. At least she was making friends her age. Zoey made eye contact with me and set her bag next to mine. Leah and Anna, (our B- relay flyer) also set their bags around us and began changing.

"How was your first practice?" I asked Zoey genuinely curious.

She let out a long sigh and pulled off her suit.
"Hard. How are you so fast?" She asked, her tone showing that she was absolutely exhausted.

I chuckled a bit at her comment and clipped my bra on, before rummaging through my bad for my shirt.

"We are all wondering the same thing Zoey." Leah said laughing a bit, Anna beside her also had a amused smile on her face, and added to the conversation,

"Yes, well when you have abs like that, I'm sure your going to be at least a little fast." Anna said pointing at my exposed stomach.

I shook my head in a joking way and continued to look through my bag, finally finding my shirt I pulled it over my head allowing it to cover any exposed skin. Then I put on my crocs, pulled my bag over my shoulder and made my way toward the locker room door.

"See you tomorrow everybody! Good job today girls!" I shouted while leaving the lockeroom.

I could hear muffled thank yous and goodbyes as I shut the door and walked through the school hallways to the student parking lot.

I sat outside waiting for my dad to pick me up. My car was still in the shop and I wouldn't be getting it back till tomorrow. Getting tired of waiting I sent my dad a text...

Camila- hey i'm done text me when your 5 minutes away

I sat there for another 5 minutes with no reply. I debated asking Kennedy for a ride, till I remembered she was still diving.

"Just send me the address Ashton I'll be there." I heard Lukes voice behind me yell.

I rolled my eyes, I couldn't do this, not right now. I'm tired and hungry from practice and frankly pissed that my dad wasn't here yet.

"Why are you still here Westphal?" Luke asked coming and standing next to me.

To tired to come up with any good response, I told him the truth,
"I'm waiting for my dad."

The Clock Doesn't Lie (A Swim Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora