Shave Down and Eat Up

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*Zoeys P.O.V*

I stood on deck with my shaving supplies in one hand, my cap and goggles in the other. Shave down was today and I was more than excited Because, shave down meant that taper was over, and taper being over meant the conference meet was here, which meant... I get to eat spaghetti tonight.

I shifted alittle on the deck and looked around. All the girls were talking and and having fun with each other. Part of me wanted to join the freshman but I waiting for Cam, Kennedy, or Leah to come on deck.

From around the corner I could hear Cams voice laughing and joking with Luke. I turned my head in the direction of their voices to see them round the corner standing side by side, a little too close for comfort. They had been doing that a lot lately. Standing close to each other, joking with each other, flirting. Honestly the entire team had started placing bets on when they were going to come out and say they were dating.

"Alright ladies let's get in the pool we have a 1000 yards then we shave down!" Cam shouted setting her shaving stuff on the deck.

All the girls shouted some form of 'yay!' Before capping themselves. Kennedy came around the corner and stood by Cam and Luke getting ready to get in the pool.

Kennedy joked with the two of them, she had taken the whole Luke and Cam thing better over the last few days. She had started to realize the Luke was being serious and wasn't going to ditch Cam. That is if they ever started dating... ugh!

That's all the school talked about right now... it was the hot topic (don't kill me). The two captains of the best sport this school has liking each other, is big news. But they hadn't made it official, or they hadn't told anyone if they had.

I slowly got into the pool still thinking these thought as I began to swim the 1000 yards for the last taper practice.


I sat there on the lockeroom floor... legs, back, and arms almost completely shaven. A smile on my face as I avoided the shaving cream being thrown at me. So far I could see why all the girls had been excited for the last day of taper, after we swam the 1000 yards all hell had broke lose. We shaved and blasted music, dunk each other in the pool, and were currently having a shaving cream war.

Cam was sitting on the floor laughing her ass off as Leah threw shaving cream at Kennedy but missed. Leaving a blob of the foamy mixture on the wall.

Kennedy quickly recovered from almost being hit and filled her hand with shaving cream, smacking it on Leah's head. While Cam was watching this battle a few freshman girls snuck up behind the her and covered her with shaving cream. Cam covered her head as they sprayed her and let out a joking gasp. The fun abruptly stopped as a knock came from the locker room door.

"Is everyone changed so I can come in?" Luke asked his voice echoing throughout the lockeroom.

Cam looked at everyone before replying.

"Yeah you can come in."

As Luke entered the lockeroom Cam stood up and made her way over to him, looking up into his eyes. Luke looked around at the messy lockeroom before looking back at Cam.

"Where you guys trying to shave the walls as well?" He asked with a smirk.

Cam playfully shrugged her shoulders and quickly looked at the walls as well.

"We were in the middle of a shaving cream war before you so rudely interrupted us. " Cam said sarcastically, while pushing her hand into Lukes chest for dramatic effect.

Luke grabbed her hand that she put out and used it to pull her closer. He took his thumb and wiped off some of the shaving cream off her face.

"Well then, Camilla. It looks like you're about to lose that war." And after those words he picked up a can of shaving cream from the floor and sprays it all over Cams suit.

With a smirk he turned and rushed out of the lockeroom before he could get sprayed and behind him he yelled.

"Spaghetti's ready btw!"

Cam stood there for a second in disbelief her cheeks a bit red, before turning towards us.

"Alright! Let's clean up this mess then go eat spaghetti!" She shouted before starting the clean up.

After wiping down the walls and floor, we rushed off and changed. Now we were running towards the cafeteria ready for spaghetti.

Each girl stood in line waiting for the parents to hand out spaghetti. Cam and Kennedy came up behind me putting and arm on my shoulder.

"Did you just cut the line?" I asked kind of laughing, I didn't need the awnser I already know they did.

Kennedy just half shrugged and picked up a paper plate.

"Captain privileges." She kind of dead panned.

At the same time Luke came out of no where and picked up a plate for himself. I raised an eye brow at him for cutting the line as well. He simply just shrugged and pointed over to Kennedy.

"Yeah, what she said. Captain privileges." He stated while dumbing spaghetti on his plate.

We all loaded are plates with spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad before making our way to a table. Luke and Cam sat together acrossed from me and Kennedy. They sat shoulder to shoulder almost making sure no one would get in between them.

"You know, you two could leave room for Jesus." Kennedy said waving her fork in their direction.

Both Luke and Cam looked at each other for a quick second their faces flushing red. They both turned their gazes back to their food avoiding looking at anyone. Kennedy simply smirk almost proud that she had made them uncomfortable.

"Alright! I know you are all eating so just listen!" Coach said starting his speech.

"I hope you are all well shaven and are eating a lot! I also hope you are all ready to swim hard tomorrow!"

Everyone clapped at that, we were all ready to swim tomorrow.

"Now going into tomorrow... look I've got a good feeling about tomarrow. We have trained are hardest, and you have worked your ass's off. No matter what happens tomarrow you should be proud of the swimmers you've become. In this season you all have worked through mental and physical challenges. You have lost, and you have won. And tomarrow we must use all we have learned to go out and win, win conference, win our heat, and show that we are still the best school in this conference!" Coach finished his speech and everyone clapped hard, and had smiles on there faces.

Coach gestured for Cam to come up and give a speech. She stood up, and while she did Luke secretly squeezed Cams hand as she stood and made her way to where coach was and began her speech.

"Look, I know this season has been harder for other. Some were going to quit because they thought it was too hard," Cam made direct eye contact at me for a moment them looked back at everyone else, "and others, like me, have had devastating races that crushed us. We can't change those moments, we can't erase them, but what we can do is learn from them, grow from them, and most of us already have." Cam paused again and looked at Luke, he smiled at her with pride in his eyes as she continued, "Tomarrow is the biggest meet of the season, tomarrow is the only meet that really matters. I want to see fire in your eyes like I've never seen before. Its a day to be great and make your own self history. So for all of hell go out and do that!"

Everyone clapped and cheered, as they they did, Cam made her way back over to the table and sat down. Luke wrapped his arm around her waist for a second and whispered something in her ear that made her blush. She smiled and returned to her plate of spaghetti. I could tell every emotion Cam was feeling about tomarrow, I think anyone could. She was fired and ready to go out and swim the best race of her Career.

*Hello! I'm so so sorry it took so long to get this out, but here it is... I kind of feel bad because it took so long to get out and its not even good . Anyways next "chapter" should be longggg so it might be two chapters! See you next chapter fishes, just keep swimming!*

Word count: 1463

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