And So Taper Begins

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*Zoeys P.O.V*

I entered the locker with my swim bag ready for Captains practice. I walked past the group of freshman and entered the upper class men area throwing my bag down of the bench.

        "Are you going to tell me who it was?" Kennedy asked Cam.

I opened my bag and looked at them, they were having an intense conversation.

     "Kennedy it was no one." Cam responded pulling off her top and taking off her sports bra, she had clearly just come from working out.

      "No, I know a joke when I see one. Someone texting 'she's asleep' from your phone at that time of night isn't a joke." Kennedy said pulling on her suit.

      "Wait what!?" I said jumping into the conversation.

Kennedy looked at me with the "I know, right!?" Eyes.

      "Missy here spent the night at someone's house and isn't telling me who it is." Kennedy said looking at Cam annoyed.

I almost blurted out, "Well, it was Luke. Because they left from the meet together last night." But I stopped myself when I looked at Cam. Remembering how heart broken she was last night after she lost the race. Cam just needed some comfort, and Luke was willing to give it too her, even with there stupid feud.

       "Well I don't know who it was either, so don't look at me." I lied pulling on my suit.

Cam smirk at me a bit great full I didn't spill who she was with.

     "Alright, well its time for practice, and I have something very fun planned. So, let's go." Cam said walking out of the lockeroom.

I followed Cam out onto deck, only to see all three of the guys in their jammers.

      "Cam, what the hell are they doing in their suits?" I asked leaning over to her, so she could hear me.

      "They wanted to get it and join us. Plus this isn't a real practice, it's beginning of taper. So, we are going to have a little fun without coach around." Cam said walking over to Luke saying Hi to him.

I followed her over and stood by her side listening to their conversation.

     "So, what are we going to do first?" Luke asked rubbing his hands together ready to get in the water.

      "Water polo." Cam said picking up the ball from the deck handing it to Luke, then turning to the team.

     "Alright ladies! Kennedy is going to split you into 2 teams we are going to play water polo!" Cam shouted to the team.

     "Zoey you're a 1! Luke you're a 2, Cam a 1!" Kennedy shouted going down the line of girls.

I stood next to Cam and more girls in group 1 stood by us.

      "Ready to get destroyed Westphal?" Luke asked with a smirk taking off his blue Braclet and putting it on his bag.

I prepared myself for the  incoming argument Luke and Cam were about to have from that comment, but one never came. Instead cam pulled her hair back into a pony and smirked back at Luke.

     "Oh you're on Spyri." Cam said jumping into the water.


The game had been very aggressive, at least for me. I had never played water polo before, but it was definitely aggressive at moments. Luke had pulled and tugged on Cams suit straps to pull her away from the ball. I think everyone expected them to break out fighting the first time Luke did it, but instead Cam shrugged him off and they continued to play the game.

By the end of the game Luke's team had one, mostly because Luke had both Elmer and Ashton on his team. As well as Kennedy, who had aperently played water polo when she was younger.

Luke raised his arms excited his team had had one.

      "Take that Westphal!" He shouted wrapping his arms around her dragging her under the water.

Him and Cam breach and Cam had a small smile on her face causing Kennedy to raise and eyebrow. Cam smiled and waved Luke off, before yelling to the team again while treading in the middle of the deep end.

      "Alight everyone! I know I said this would be a fun practice, but I did promise coach we would do actual work! So to make it fun! Let's warm up and do some streamline work, But let's mix it up and do widths!"

Most girls on the team cheered excitedly I looked around slightly confused.

    "Kennedy, what are widths?" I asked swimming over to her.

     "Oh right, so instead of swimming the 25 yard length you swim the width of the pool" Kennedy said.

I shook my head finally understanding why all the girls were so excited about widths, it was definitely less yardage.

Beginning the 500 "yard" warm up
I pushed off of the wall and enjoyed the fun practice, excited taper had finally begun. Plus taper meant the conference meet was right around the corner.

*hey y'all easier chapter, the next one few will be like this. But hope you're liking it! See you next chapter fishes, just keep swimming!*

Word count: 856

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