The Clock Doesn't Lie (part 2)

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*Camilas P.O.V*

I threw my cap and goggles down, Hearing them smack on the lockeroom floor.

I let out another sob, full on crying now that I was alone in the lockeroom. I sat down on the bench infront of the lockers, placing my head in my hands.

In the front of the lockeroom the door opened and shut, I didn't bother to lift my head from my hands.

"Kennedy I don't want to talk right now!" I shouted trying to let her know I didn't want to talk.

But the foot steps kept getting closer. Getting annoyed now I shouted again

"Kennedy please leave me alone!"

I really just wanted to be alone, and cool down before I talked to anyone. I was upset and angry and didn't have the patience to deal with anybody.

But the foots steps kept coming and were now almost around the corner, entering the actual locker part of the locker room. Frustrated I violently pushed myself up off of the bench and turned toward the footsteps.

"Kennedy I said-" I paused and stopped my motion when I saw Luke come around the corner.

With his arms crossed he leaned against the brick door frame.

"Cam..." he said trying to start a sentence.

Irritated even more now I picked up my goggles and cap from the floor slamming the on the bench where I was sitting.

"If you've come here to gloat, don't." I stated, looking at him with crossed arms.

His face neutral and arms still crossed, he raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I-" I didn't let him finish the sentence.

"Because that's what you always do! You come around and tell me how I need to work out more or tell me I'm too slow! Well I guess this time you were right, so are you happy!?" I shouted anger from losing the race and past anger at Luke coming out.

Luke opened his mouth to say something but I put my finger out to stop him, and got in his face.

"No! And you know what! You're right, I guess, about everything! Maybe if I worked out harder I would have won! But I busted my ass only to have you redicule and curteek me this whole time! While you! You! Kissed up to Hannah and dated her! How dare you! Do you know how much that hurt me! And now when I'm finally started to be friends with you again, she's all of a sudden texting you again! News flash! I don't care what you think anymore Luke Spyri! I lost and I know it! So get out of my life! And leave me alone!" I finished my rant and took a step back, breathing hard.

Luke unfolded his arms and looked at me his fingers fiddling with his blue Braclet.

"Cam, I'm not hear to ridicule you." Luke said

"Really then why are you here!?"

"I'm here to comfort you! See if you were alright! I know how much winning that race meant to you! Sure I make fun of you, and yes I know I take it to far sometimes. But I still care! And Hannah! Fuck her! Cam I know what Hannah is like, and you shouldn't let her get in your head!"

I crossed my arms around my chest and sobbed almost hugging myself. My teary outburst stopping Luke from shouting anymore. Instead he looked at me with concern. I was full on crying now, unable to stop. Whether it was and anger cry or from exhaustion, it didn't matter.

Luke stepped forward and looked down at my teary face. Before pulling me into a tight embrace. Despite my wet suit and hair, he stood there and held me.

"I was so close." I sobbed into his chest.

"Only 3 seconds away from the record." He replied softly.

"And only 1 away from beating Hannah I should have kicked harder." I said shaking my head lightly still disappointed in myself.

Luke nodded his head.

"There's nothing you can do about it now." Luke said trying to keep me calm, "now you just focus on the conference meet."

The lockeroom door opened, then shut with a slam. The pitter-patter of bare feet on the floor tiles made its way toward me and Luke. Luke looked up and I kept my my face buried in his chest.

"Hey." Luke said to the person who came into the lockeroom.

"Hey. How is she?" I heard Kennedy reply.

I pulled away from Luke and looked at Kennedy. Shaking my head telling her I'd be ok. Kennedy grabbed onto my hand and guided me out of the locker room with Luke behind us.

"Come on, let's go finish the meet." Kennedy said in a gentle voice opening the lockeroom door and guiding me onto the pool deck.

*oh ho ho, hi! Please don't hate me for making her lose the race! Any ways I got that out a lot faster than I thought I would but I just couldn't stop writing! See you next chapter fishes, just keep swimming!*

Word count: 852

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