Chapter 62: Bottoms Up Bitch

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62. Bottoms Up Bitch

I sat in front of my mirror, smiling softly to myself. I'll admit, seeing myself all ready for the night got me feeling a bit more excited about going to prom. I decided that regardless of Aaron being stuck at home, I would try my best to enjoy myself. I was independent, and I didn't need a boy to have fun. I loved my dress too. It was a pale pink gown that was see through in some places, like the back, my arms, and some of the front. The fabric on the front covered just about what I would want covered, laced in a floral pattern with little shiny silver beads arranged intricately on the design. Really I couldn't have asked for something better. I paired the dress with a similarly colored pair of heels and straightened my hair to its full length before putting it in an up do bun, letting curly loose tendrils fall down the sides of my face.

A soft tap came from behind my door, and I turned in my seat. "Come in."

The door slowly opened, and my father stepped in.

"Hi dad."

Smiling, he shook his head. "You know, sometimes it hits me like a brick wall that you're not a kid anymore. I've done a lot of things I'm proud of Morgan, the life I've built for us, but my biggest regret is not being around enough to see you and your sister grow up. And I'm sorry for that."

I got up and approached him so I could give him a hug. "Did you come in here to purposefully make me cry? Because it's working."

He let out a lighthearted chuckle. "No, actually, I came to give you this."

He pulled out a rectangular box and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace . I took it in my hands and gasped. "Dad, I-"

"I gave this to your mom the night of our fifth anniversary, when I took her dancing. She hasn't worn it in a while so I assumed she was keeping it so she could give it to one of you girls," he said.

I saw the pained look in his eyes and sighed. "She's not even home is she?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry sweetheart."

"It's fine," I shrugged. "It's only senior prom, it's not like this is my wedding day. Though I'm not sure that I would want her at my wedding if I ever have one."

"Your mother's not evil Morgan," he told me. "She screwed up, hell we both did, but she's not evil. She loves you."

I didn't respond to that but rather changed the topic. "I love the necklace dad, but would you be mad if I didn't wear it tonight? It just looks so precious and expensive that I would hate myself if anything happened to it, let alone at a high school prom."

He chuckled. "I figured you'd be reluctant to. Don't worry, I know how wild you kids can get. It's yours to keep anyway. You can save it for a much calmer graduation."

My eyes shot up to meet his. "You'll be there?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world baby girl," he replied with a wink. "I'm going to be around a lot more now. Hell, once you're old enough I'm handing over the company to you so I can live happily ever after in a ridiculously huge mansion."

I laughed at my workaholic of a father. "I'll believe that when it happens dad."

"Come on downstairs," he beckoned. "I've got one more surprise for you...well actually two."

I chuckled. "Okay, just me get my stuff."

I grabbed my phone and my purse and followed him as he carefully led me down the stairs so I didn't trip or fall in my heels. When we walked into the living room and I saw what was waiting for me, or rather who, a huge smile formed on my face.

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