Epilogue 1: Quite Miss Home

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There will be one more epilogue after this. It's already posted :).

1. Quite Miss Home

5 years later...

"Why did it get dark all of a sudden?" Shannon asked through our FaceTime call.

"Because I just drove into underground parking," I chuckled, pulling up in a parking spot.

"I can't believe you decided to ditch us and move to LA," Paige said, her face popping up on Shannon's video. "More importantly I can't believe you left me with her."

"Please, you love me," Shannon remarked. "That new knife set you got me says that a lot. Besides, we have a make-up line together remember?"

"Just make sure she doesn't kill anyone with it," Sienna chimed in, talking to us from her beautiful home in Spain that she was vacationing in with her boyfriend.

"My dad needed someone to run the company from here and it was a good move for me," I chuckled.

My father lived up to his promise of working less and actively stepped back from a lot of his duties. I grew up quickly in the corporate world. By twenty-one I'd learned nearly everything he knew and was taking on quite a handful of responsibilities. Once I graduated college at twenty-two he made me acting CEO. I'd been at the job for a year now with help from other people and I'd say I was doing alright. I also started my own business of making fragrances, candles and the like, and so far sales were going through the roof. Most of the people I worked with lived here in Los Angeles, and so it was the easiest decision to make, moving here I mean. I was going to work and go to grad school as well while I was here.

I hopped out of the white BMW I drove, immediately being startled by the loud honk of a car behind me.

"Can I help you?" I said to the driver once he rolled down the window.

"That spot's reserved lady, go find another one!" he yelled, before sliding the tinted glass back up.

I opened my mouth to argue but I decided to take a look around instead. I saw the reserved sign and rolled my eyes, getting back into my car so I could move it.

"Californians are mean," I remarked to the girls as I shifted the gear to reverse.

"If you've survived New Yorkers you can handle Californians," Shannon chuckled.

"New Yorkers ignore you," I said. "I feel like these people go out of their way to be rude, no offense."

"Well get used to it," Sienna chuckled.

"Just hurry up and get here so I won't have to be wandering these streets alone when Jean and Laurel are busy."

She and her Italian boyfriend were going to move to Los Angeles one they got back. His name was Angelo and he was a good guy.

I parked my car for the second time, this time in the right spot, and walked towards the elevator.

"Are you going to spend the rest of your day with Jean?" Paige asked.

"Probably," I replied. "I'm tired from the flight though so I might just see her and then head over to her house."

I was going to be staying with my sister and her wife until I found my own place and at least help them out with my niece and nephew. Their wedding was beautiful, and it was also the last time I saw my mother. We were civil, but our relationship was still strained. She still criticized me every chance she got and I still felt like pulling my hair out every time I was around her.

Anyway, Jean and Laurel adopted two adorable babies who happened to be twins. I don't think they planned on two kids but they fell in love with both. Besides, which kind of cruel person decides to separate twins?

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