Chapter 6: Amber Hall Has Done It Again

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6. Amber Hall Has Done It Again

"We're here Miss Hall,"  the chauffeur announced once he parked.

"Thank you Milton," my sister politely responded.

We stepped out of the black Range Rover. Tonight's show was in an underground parking lot. Like I said, Apollo rarely picked traditional places. Jean and I had to use the long way to sneak in so as to avoid any paparazzi. She got mobbed much more frequently now and being her date for the night meant I would too if they found us. As we walked towards the concert I could already hear the crowd screaming.

"Jean Hall," my sister said when we reached the bouncer to the VIP section.

The man nodded and unhooked the velvet rope, giving us access.

"Wow," I said.

She looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing big," I answered. "Sometimes I forget you're famous now."

She chuckled. "Well do me a favor and keep forgetting. Keeps me grounded."

The entire place had been turned into an arena. Jean and I sat down as Apollo took the stage.

"New York are you ready?" he said through a microphone in a modified voice. That was all part of keeping his identity a secret.

The crowd was uncontrollable. I understood why. Jean and I were up on our feet basically the entire time.


We both turned. A pretty girl was standing behind us. She had chopped blonde hair with black highlights.

"Laurel!" Jean said with a smile before standing up to hug her.

"I heard you were in town," she said with her British accent. "Gosh I haven't seen you since-"

"The tour...yeah," Jean finished, silence following.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh um Laurel this is my little sister Morgan," Jean said. "Morgan, Laurel Price."

"Nice to meet you," I told her.

"Likewise," she smiled. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I didn't know you were in New York," Jean told her.

"Oh I've only been here a week," she said. "And I'll be here for a week more. Why don't you girls come to my show in a few weeks."

"I've got a lot of busy weeks ahead," my sister told her. "Sitting down with my team to discuss the upcoming album and other stuff."

"Oh well that's okay," Laurel said before looking at me. "What about you young blood, up for a fun Saturday night?"

"Uh, yeah sure," I accepted.

"Good," she said with a smile. "I'll email Jean two VIP passes. If you've got a bloke hiding somewhere feel free to bring him along."

I chuckled and she winked.

"Jean, we should catch up sometime."

Jean smiled. "Yeah."

With one last smile she walked away.

I smiled at my sister. "Laurel huh."

She took a sip of her water. "Don't look at me like that."

"How did you two meet?"

"She sang backup for Usher while he was on tour last year but she's kinda doing her own thing now," she replied.

"Wow, Usher?" I said. "That's big."

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