Chapter 43

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I had been thinking about calling Julian the whole day. But what would I say? He doesn't want to talk to me, he doesn't want me around anymore. Maybe I should just move on. God! I hated that I just thought that.
I loved Julian so much. But maybe it was for the best. He could have talked to me at the cliff but he ignored me.
I was giving myself a headache. I had to at least try and text Taylor though, I missed her insanely. Just like I missed Julian. At least there was a chance with Taylor.

I grabbed my phone and just did it.

"Hey." That was all I said. I had thought about typing a hundred different things but it didn't fit. It wasn't long before I got a reply. "Hey." She replied.
"I miss you so much, I am so sorry. I know you said you never wanted things between Julian and I to mess us up but it did and I am so sorry. I wish I could just back in time." I let loose. I missed her like crazy.

"I am so glad you said that! OH MY GOD, I have been missing you like crazy. I still want to be friends, I just want everything to go back to when we were hanging out always. Julian told me what the twins made you do. I couldn't believe it, I screamed at them and of course, they screamed back but still."
"It's my fault too, I was the one who actually did it. I'm more to blame."
"And your brother? I wish you could have told me right away. I miss when we did things like that." I was so glad Taylor was saying all this stuff.

I missed her so much.  "Wanna come over?" I asked. She agreed.

Harry had been sleeping in the living room on the couch. I still hadn't let anyone else in the room.
I just didn't want to touch it, not till I had to move out. It would all be living in boxes, I missed her so much.

As soon as I heard a knock on the door I got up and ran for it. Harry was already there though.

'Uh hey.' He had never met Taylor before. Taylor pushed past him and we wrapped our arms around each other tightly. 'I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT'S HAPPENED! AWWW I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE.' We over-talked each other.

'Uh...' Harry said closing the door. 'Taylor this is Harry, Harry, Taylor.'  I introduced.
'You look good for a dead guy.' She smiled.
'Thanks.' Harry smiled.
'How'd you meet?' Harry asked. Taylor went quiet. 'Through school, actually, she is Julian's sister.'
'Who?' I have only realized now I never told Harry Julian's name. 'The guy.'
'Ohhhh.' He said in a not excited tone.
'Wow, you really are close with them.' He commented. 'Well, I'm still glad you two are friends. I'll let you two go do whatever teenage girls do. Like, play with dolls, makeup, dress up?' I smiled and shook my head.

'Yeah, I did that when I was ten and younger.' I said.

Taylor and I just watched a movie in my room. 'How's Julian?' I asked. 'Bad.' She spoke.
'I miss him.' I say. 'I think he misses you too but I don't know Zoie.' I nod.
'Yeah, I know.'

It was over, most likely. No, it was over. No matter how much we missed each other we couldn't. I didn't wanna hurt him anymore. I said something I regretted and in a split second, it was all over.

I basically said he wasn't safe and then just went and got myself into trouble. It wasn't him that wasn't safe. It was me, I fucked us up.

I still needed to find a job, like an actual job. The judge wouldn't just say yeah to casual drug deals or whatever else the twins wanted me to do.
I was back in the city, maybe I should try the stripper thing again. Though I am sure Harry would KILL me.
Maybe I could apply to be a bartender or waitress? A bartender didn't sound half bad, most places made good money.

There is a place just past the club, I walk down. It's a small cafe and bar. I walk in, there are a few people sitting around. It's only six pm. 'Hey, are we getting a table for just one?' A short skinny girl asks. 'Um, I was wondering if you guys were hiring?'
The girl looks over her shoulder to her manager.
The manager walks over, he is a big guy covered in tattoos and piercings.

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